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Saint Valentine's Day
THE HISTORY There are many legends about Saint Valentine. Written valentines began about 1400.
They began to take the place of valentine gifts. The idea of paper valentines spread through Europe. They began to take the place of valentine gifts. Paper valentines were especially popular in England.
Happy Valentine's Day! This happy holiday celebrates friendship, love and romance. It’s a time to let all those special people in your life know how much you like them.
This is what friendship is all about. And you can think of others who are important to you – Mums and Dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends and teachers.
Valentine’s Day is a good time to tell them how you feel.
What will you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year? Maybe you’ll exchange cards with the other kids in your class.
If you feel shy, just sign yourself “A Secret Admirer”. You don’t always have to sign your name to the cards you send. If you feel shy, just sign yourself “A Secret Admirer”.
Remember that receiving valentines make people feel good.
Happy Valentine's Day!