Integration of Technology High School Social Studies 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
What is Social Studies??????? Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence Provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology Even some content from the humanities, natural sciences, and MATHEMATICS 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Purpose of Social Studies in Education Help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
What is NETS? National Educational Technology Standards These Standards were formed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
What is the NETS Project? -Enable stakeholders in PreK-12 to develop national standards for educational uses of technology To facilitate school improvement in the Unites States Define Standards for students, integrating curriculum technology, technology support, and standards for student assessment and evaluation of technology use 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
What is the NETS Project? -Refresh Project is expected to be re-released at Atlanta in June of 2007 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
What are the Social Studies Standards? NCSS National Social Studies Standards Released in 1994 These standards address overall curriculum design and comprehensive student performance expectations NCSS forms the overall framework of social studies 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
10 themes that form the framework Theme 1-Culture -What are the common characteristics of different cultures? Theme 2-Time, continuity, and change -What has happened in the past? How has the world changed and how might it change in the future? Theme 3-People, places, and environment -Where are things located? Why are they located where they are? How do landforms change? Theme 4-Individual development and identity -Why do people behave as they do? How do people learn? Theme 5-Individuals, groups, and institutions -What is the role of institutions in this or other societies? How do institutions change? 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
10 themes that form the framework Theme 6-Power, Authority, and Governance -What is power? Who holds it? Theme 7-Production, distribution, and consumption -How is production organized? How are goods and services distributed? Theme 8-Science, technology, and society -Is new technology always better than old? How can we cope with the ever increasing pace of change Theme 9-Global connections -Students need to be able to address international issues such as health care, the environment, and human rights Theme 10-Civic ideals and practices -What is the role of the citizen in the community and the nation and as a member of the world community? 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Ways to Integrate Technology in Social Studies Simulated problem solving -Lets students interact with simulated models of environments or events Virtual trips -Sending students to internet locations supplements or replaces real field trips 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Ways to Integrate Technology in Social Studies Digital storytelling -Images communicate biographies and historical events in ways that make them more real and relevant Electronic Research -The internet and databases help students locate information sources Practice of factual information -Drill-and-practice and Instructional games are fun ways to help students remember information 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Why Use technology in Social Studies Education? Social studies education has been affected by the impact of technology perhaps more than any other content area Technology tools make possible a variety of strategies to enhance learning for the varied topics and concepts that comprise social studies content A belief that the appropriate and thoughtful utilization of digital technologies within the social studies classroom will create new environments for teachers and students to implement technology as a tool for inquiry 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Pros & Cons of Implementing Technology in Social Studies Education -Technology resources are a collection of tools that help teach specific content and tools -Allows students to understand and learn social studies in different ways -Instructional game programs are fun, motivational ways to help students remember historical and geographic facts Cons -High quality resources are expensive -Using Technology in a constructivist way is time consuming -Dilemma on how to teach social studies in an effective way -Digital divide -Internet research can also bring up information that is not suitable for the student *pictures, language 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
What is the digital divide? A discrepancy in access to technology resources among socioeconomic groups -originates with inequalities with students access to computers Technology can accelerate or decelerate education -If technology is not used correctly effective learning will not happen. -Teachers need to fully understand the technology they are using to teach. Doing this will maximize the educational benefits children gain from technology in the classroom 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Integrating Technology in Social studies Social Studies is affected by technology because the world is changing everyday, which means there is a lot more to learn about the world. Fortunately, the same technology that has created this computer world can be used to help teach it. As a teacher don’t run away from technology,embrace it. 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
Websites and Software for Implementing Social Studies Education in the Classroom NETS Muzzy Lane – problem-solving envirionments Classroom Jeopardy- Instructional social studies game U.S. National Archives and Records Administration- digital storytelling 11/22/2018 Jon Borys
REFERENCES Chen, J.K., & Price, V. (2006). Narrowing the digital divide: “Head start teachers develop proficiency in computer technology”. Education and Urban Society, 38, 398-405. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from ERIC database. Hall, D. (2006, April). Bridging the gap. Learning and Leading with Technology, 33, 15-18. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from Education Abstract 1985-Present. Hicks, D., Lee, J., & Swan, K. (2006, May). Social studies. Learning and Leading with Technology, 33, 22. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from Education Abstract 1985-Present. Roblyer, M.D.(2006). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall Thomas, L.(2005). National Educational Technology Standards. Retrieved October 23, 2006, from 11/22/2018 Jon Borys