My Performance Journey FY-2017-2018
“My Performance Journey” Focuses on: Our Community Vision: To assure all AUC employees are engaged, stretched and challenged to learn and grow purposefully; making a difference while taking ownership of their professional journey. “My Performance Journey” Focuses on: Creating an efficient performance based community focused on performance, values and competencies Focusing on tools of development of our employees (e.g., Coaching, Mentorship and Leadership Programs) Holding constructive review sessions to support our employees in meeting their objectives Holding formal semi-annual reviews (developmental, not evaluative) Evaluating employee overall performance by year-end Ensuring consistency in performance assessment across the University (clear, consistent and robust performance objectives to align with the University’s strategic objectives)
“Performance Journey” Objective Cycle Elements of Employee Annual Scorecard: Individual Development Plan Department’s strategic objective Performance in Role + Strategic initiatives Job Enrichment (Personal Development) Values/Competencies framework The Individual Development Plan (IDP) section is open in this cycle to ensure all employees have an IDP The 1 or 2 most critical development areas shall be added by the employee as Personal Development Objective(s).
Scorecard Elements Business Performance Philosophy Number of objectives Example of Objective ~1 -2 Dept. Overall Yearly Objective Linked to underlying department performance to foster cross functional collaboration The Department overall objectives linked to the University overall strategic objectives Personal Performance ~4-6 Performance in Role Role Specific: Related to the job holder core responsibilities and delivery - They are measures of success in role Strategic Initiatives: related to taking initiatives on the job but not necessarily part of the day-to-day deliverables Launch a new process or initiative in own role that would enhance workflow Achieve successful executive recruitment Roll out a branding initiative to enhance the brand value of AUC ~1-2 Job Enrichment (Personal Development) Improve overall business understanding through getting exposure to cross functional projects Improve modelling skills Specific personal development objectives related to enhancing business functional skills and/or Competencies model behaviors Competencies Assessment According to a predetermined set. Instill AUC core competencies
Business Performance A Closer Look! Improving an individual’s performance within his/her department is a mutual responsibility. The Senior Executive, the Manager and the Employee are all responsible in this objective, and it is important to clearly understand the roles of each. One of the most important aspects of the leadership’s responsibility is developing and communicating the Strategic Objectives that the employees will aim to help accomplish FY18 Strategic Initiative is : Institutional Effectiveness The arrows show to the process of creating a strategic objective (senior leadership), relating that strategic objective to the employee (manager/middle leadership), and finally carrying out personal objectives that contribute to furthering the strategic objective (employee)
Setting Objectives Managers and employees need to collaborate in setting meaningful goals/ objectives tracking progress against those goals throughout the year, and evaluating performance. Connecting an employee’s work with University goals is the top driver of accountability. Procedures: Employee and Manager meet to discuss department objectives and ensure: Alignment of objectives with those of peers and the department. Objectives support the employee’s personal development goals. Employee submits the agreed objectives (Role specific , Strategic, Job Enrichment “Personal Development”) in the “My Performance Journey” online form based on the discussion with his/her Manager.
Setting SMARTER Objectives Objectives should be AMBITIOUS Employee should push the bar and make sure objectives reflect business priorities, department overall vision and mission in line with the University Strategic Objective. Use the SMARTER method when defining objectives: Specific State exactly what shall be accomplished (who, what, where and why). Measurable Define how to demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal was met. Achievable Set objectives that can be realistically achieved. Relevant Define objectives that are relevant for the role and the success of the business. Time bound Objectives should have an end date and be achievable within the specified time frame. Evaluate Evaluate your goals regularly to make sure you are on track to completing them. Readjust Readjust your approach if needed to make sure you are still taking the best way forward.
Rating Scale Rating Definition Outstanding: Very Good: Successful: Performance at this level far exceeds expectations. A mark at this level represents a level of performance that is rare and unusual. In determining what is rare and unusual, it is important to rely on actual events. An appraisal at this level requires thorough documentation, notes, and remarks. Very Good: This is "very good" performance that exceeds expectations, but not to the extent that it would be considered rare and unusual. Performance at this level makes a positive difference to the University in a way that is important, understood, and accepted by the manager, the employee and, where applicable, coworkers. Successful: This is good/acceptable performance on the level expected from a trained, experienced, and successful employee. Needs Improvement: This mark is given when performance falls somewhat short of what is expected. This level indicates the need for continued training to improve to the “Successful” level within a reasonable period of time (Up to 6 months).
Success Factors™ Quick Guide AUC Online Performance Management Platform
Success Factors™ Quick Guide AUC Online Performance Management Platform
Success Factors™ Quick Guide AUC Online Performance Management Platform
Performance Management System Cycle FY-18 (Short Cycle) FY-19 (Complete Cycle) Dec/Jan July December May/Jun e Oct/Nov May Launching the PMS Awareness Sessions to staff Goal Settings Prepare for mid-year development review Development dialogue: conduct mid-year check-in (share feedback, progress on individual development plan and realign objectives if necessary) Self reflection for year-end review First performance conversation: Discuss self reflection with Line Manager Manager prepares perspective on performance and potential development plan after reviewing all facts and adding Target setting: Agree on annual objectives and individual development plans Self reflection for year-end review First performance conversation: Discuss self reflection with line manager Manager prepares perspective on performance and potential development plan after reviewing all facts and adding
Employee Scorecard in relation to Merit Increase, Recognition program , Promotions and Development Plan: Our Employee Scorecard serves two distinct but interlinked purposes: Merit increase will be based both on areas of direct influence/responsibility (personal performance) and areas of shared responsibility (business performance). Business Performance Personal Performance Merit Increase Relevant Department achieving its yearly strategic objective Performance in role + Strategic Initiatives Job Enrichment (Personal Development) + = Merit increase % 2. Recognition Program, Promotions, and Employee Development Plan Recognition Program Personal Performance Performance Performance Relevant Promotions Performance in role + Strategic Initiatives Job Enrichment (Personal Development) Competencies Assessment Employee Development Plan Potential