Organizational Leadership Second Year Doctoral Students January 14, 2018 Facilitated by Dr. Dean Anderson
Purpose To personally explore the conscious part of Conscious Change Leadership
Desired Outcomes Increase your ability to model the change your are asking of others Deepen your commitment to lifelong personal growth and development Get prepared for dealing with the resistance…from other leaders / staff who aren’t yet ready for transformation
Conscious Change Leadership
Conscious Change Leadership Conscious: Awake; self-aware; mindful; able to see one’s mindset in action; self-mastery; leadership modeling; perceiving the larger contexts / inter-dependencies, that others miss to solve most complex challenges; leadership Change: Consciously designing / implementing org’l transformation; attending to all four quadrants and levels of organization Leadership: Leading “co-creatively;” modeling desired culture; high engagement - working together across boundaries in service to customers / organization / world; beyond command and control.
Conscious Change Leader Accountabilities Conscious change leaders are accountable for all quadrants and levels This amounts to innumerable perspectives and dynamics The more distinctions you can see, the better the transformational strategy you can develop
Why Does Your Org’n / World Need This of You? Diad conversation: 10 minutes Get personal Be real Get out of your head; forget the conceptual stuff
Modeling: The #1 Strategy What do you need to model as a conscious change leader? Ways of being, working, relating… Mindsets / Emotions… Behaviors…
Personal Breakthrough What is the primary change you need to make within yourself? Mindset Emotional patterns Leadership style Behaviors
The Challenges / The Frustrations What is the resistance you will encounter in your leaders / co-workers / staff / organization? Not seeing what they need to see… Not being what they need to be… Not doing what they need to do…
Commitments: Rise to the Challenge Self-management Personal development Continued learning Peer support
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