XC4000E Series Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 8/98 This presentation is a customer-ready brief description of the XC4000E Series architecture. 1
XC4000E Series Features Robust feature set Very high speed at 5V Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 XC4000E Series Features Robust feature set Very high speed at 5V Wide offering of package/speed/temperature Pin-compatible with XC4000X for higher density Logic Cells 237-2,432 Typical Gate Range 2,000 - 45,000 (Logic + SelectRAM) CLBs 100 - 1,024 Flip-flops 360 - 2,560 I/O 80 - 256 Number of Devices 8 The XC4000E family offers a wide variety of densities, package types, and operating conditions, including hi-rel versions. It is pin-compatible with the higher-density XC4000X families (XC4000EX at 5V, XC4000XL/A at 3.3V, and XC4000XV at 2.5V). This allows easy migration to other voltages or densities if needed. 1 4
XC4000E and Spartan Series XC4000E is similar to Spartan Series Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 XC4000E and Spartan Series XC4000E is similar to Spartan Series XC4000E adds: Asynchronous RAM Wide AND (WAND and DECODE) Parallel configuration More density/speed/package options Spartan was created as a streamlined version of the successful XC4000E Series. Features unique to the XC4000E are asynchronous RAM, Wired-AND gates (from three-state buffers) and edge decoders, master and peripheral parallel configuration modes, and a wider variety of device options. 3 2
Differentiating Features Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 Differentiating Features XC5200 Spartan XC4000E LCs/CLB 4 2.375 2.375 RAM None Sync. Sync./Async. PCI No Yes Yes Wide AND No No Yes I/O FFs No Yes Yes 3V No SpartanXL XC4000XL Config Par/Ser Ser Par/Ser Packages 18 6 16 This slide compares the XC4000E architecture to other Xilinx families. The XC4000E has the most features of the medium-density devices. It also offers a direct migration path to 3.3V and 2.5V devices, and higher density, with the XC4000XL/A and XC4000XV families. 23 4
XC4000E Series Part Logic Cells Gates CLBs Flip-Flops RAM IOBs Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 XC4000E Series Part Logic Cells Gates CLBs Flip-Flops RAM IOBs 4003E 238 2-5K 100 360 3200 80 4005E 466 3-9K 196 616 6272 112 4006E 608 4-12K 256 768 8192 128 4008E 770 6-15K 324 936 10368 144 4010E 950 7-20K 400 1120 12800 160 4013E 1368 10-30K 576 1536 18432 192 4020E 1862 13-40K 784 2016 25088 224 4025E 2432 15-45K 1024 2560 32768 256 The XC4000E Series is available in eight densities, from 100-1024 CLBs or 238-2432 logic cells. A logic cell is the combination of a four-input lookup table and a flip-flop, the basic building block of all leading FPGAs. The wide range in the system gate count comes from the potential variations in how the device is used. The CLB look-up tables can be used as blocks of RAM, combinable into any arbitrary size. The “Max RAM” is a little misleading, since that amount would not leave any look-up table resources for logic. A good maximum to use is about one-half the total. The high end of the gate range assumes about 20% of the CLBs are used as RAM. 6 1
XC4000 Series CLB 3 function generators 2 flip-flops 4 CLB outputs Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 XC4000 Series CLB 3 function generators 2 flip-flops 4 CLB outputs There is a great deal of flexibility in the XC4000 Series CLB, with muxes directing the outputs of the three LUTs to one of the four outputs (two registered, two combinational). 7 1
SelectRAM Benefits Asynchronous Synchronous Dual-Port Xilinx FPGA Architecture 5/98 SelectRAM Benefits Asynchronous Compatible with original XC4000 Synchronous Simpler timing Dual-Port Data Write Enable Address Output Data Write Enable Write Clock Address Output The key improvement in the XC4000E and Spartan vs. the original XC4000 architecture was offering SelectRAM. The biggest change is the addition of a Write Clock, making the Write function synchronous. This makes writing to the RAM as easy as writing to a bank of flip-flops. The XC4000E/Spartan also added a dual-port mode with a second read address, allowing the user to write and read at the same time. Data Write Enable Write Clock Write Address/ Single-Port Read Address Single-Port Output Dual-Port Dual-Port Read Address 2 18
XC4000E vs. Original XC4000 >50% faster yet lower cost Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 XC4000E vs. Original XC4000 >50% faster yet lower cost Bitstream, pinout, and density compatible Synchronous and dual-port SelectRAM More flexible H lookup table & global buffers Programmable TTL/CMOS I/O thresholds I/O clock enable XC4000A (reduced routing) & XC4000H (double I/O count) are obsolete The 1995 introduction of the XC4000E provided several key enhancements over the original XC4000 architecture. New process technology provides higher speed while reducing the die size and lowering cost. The architecture added a few new features while maintaining complete compatibility with the original XC4000. The RAM was updated to provide synchronous and dual-port RAM. The H lookup table was made usable independent of the F and G four-input LUTs. The global buffers were given more flexibility to connect to non-clock pins. The I/O thresholds were made programmable, and a clock enable was added to the I/O flip-flops. The XC4000A was a variation that reduced routing resources to lower cost, and the XC4000H provided a higher I/O to gate ratio. Both have been obsoleted due to the low costs of the newest technologies. 24 3
Converting XC4000 to XC4000E Higher speed in existing designs Xilinx XC4000 Series Architecture 5/98 Converting XC4000 to XC4000E Higher speed in existing designs Drop in replacement if move up two speed grades e.g., XC4000-6 to XC4000E-4 Must re-implement from XC4000A/XC4000H Take advantage of added routability Re-implement design using XC4000E as target Take advantage of new features Modify schematic using XC4000E library and re-implement Converting from the XC4000 to XC4000E is simple, since the XC4000E can be dropped directly into an existing XC4000 socket. The user should select a speed grade that is two levels faster to guarantee that all timing will still be met. If the design was done for the XC4000A or XC4000H, it will need to be re-implemented in the XC4000E. 25 4