The 3 Kingdoms of Egypt Egyptian timeline is divided into 3 kingdoms the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom.
Located in Lower Egypt-in Memphis The Old Kingdom The Age of the Pyramids 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE Dynasties 3-6 Located in Lower Egypt-in Memphis Kings and Pharaohs had absolute power and were considered to be gods on earth.
What are Pyramids? Tombs for Egyptian rulers layers of stone blocks, burial chambers, and passage ways
Step Pyramid built for King Dzojer-looks like steps (similar to Ziggurat) Thought to help the king/pharaoh reach the afterlife A staircase to heaven
Bent Pyramid
Great Pyramids of Giza Built for King Kufu Took approximately 20 years to build Built during times of flooding-by farmers What was the time of flooding call? _________________________ Smaller pyramids built for King’s wife Covers 13 acres Tip was covered with gold to reflect the sun’s rays
Great Pyramids of Giza
The Pyramid of Meydum The Bent Pyramid The Great Pyramids of Giza
1st Intermediate Period 2181 BCE to 2040 BCE Dynasties 7-11 Times of war Local rulers competed for power Prosperity declined Cultural achievements were low
The Middle Kingdom The Golden Age 2040 BCE to 1786 BCE Dynasties 11-12 Mentuhotep II 50 year rein Egypt became more prosperous Financially, culturally, and expanded it’s territory
Amenemhet Vizier to Mentuhotep I (Vizier-advisor) Not a family member-was made the heir to the throne by the king Moved capital back to lower Egypt Under his rein Egypt grew and flourished Nomes-districts for governing
Invasion of the Hyksos Invaders from the Fertile Crescent Introduced horses, chariots, new weapons, fortification These changes helped Egypt to expand later during the New Kingdom
The New Kingdom The Age of the Pharaohs 1552 BCE to 1096 BCE Dynasties 18-20 Egypt as a Nation State becomes the world’s strongest power Thebes is capital Dynasty 18 drives Hyksos out of Egypt Full standing Army-use horses and chariots Dynasty 18 and 19 most prosperous Dynasty 20 power struggles between Kings, priests and officials Many Dynasties after 20-but non were nation-states Outsiders rule CLASS NOTES
Pharaohs means grand house Kings Grand Palace Kings are now called Pharaohs Gods in human form CLASS NOTES The Valley of the Kings is created; all New Kingdom pharaohs are buried here
Pharaohs of the New Kingdom Thutmose I - reaches the Euphrates River Hatshepsut - daughter of Thutmose I - rules as a Pharaoh - leads armies into battle Thutmose III - developed an empire - made Egypt most powerful nation
Amenhotep IV -brought great changes -believed in ONE god - ATON -married to Nefertiti -changed name in honor of Aton to Akhenaton -moved capital Akhetaton -change in religion, caused unrest -fear of anger of other gods
King Tutankhaton (King TUT) son of Akhenaton changed religion back to Polytheism old gods AND Aton changed name back to Tutankhamen
Egyptian Social Pyramid
Rosetta Stone Over time the Egyptian method of writing changed from one form to another. As it changed, more and more people forgot how to read the hieroglyphics. Finally around 1800 CE, a stone was found called the Rosetta Stone. On the stone there were three kinds of writing telling the same story. At the bottom was Greek (which the archaeologists could read) In the middle was Demotic-a later Egyptian writing (which could be read too) At the top was hieroglyphics. Archaeologists could translate it based on the meanings, words, and symbols from the other two languages!
Activity: Write like an Egyptian Create a cartouche of your name using ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.