Wren Hollow Elementary Kindergarten Weekly Mrs. Major’s Class Wren Hollow Elementary September 14, 2012 Reading We are telling stories using the pictures in our books and sounding out some words in our stories using beginning sounds. We are continuing the unit learning from our names. We are practicing using one uppercase and the rest lowercase letters in our names. Writing In writing workshop We are focusing on crafting a background for our pictures. We have explored a variety of stories and discussed how the illustrator uses the background as a clue for the reader. We have learned to correct our mistakes using one line and move on. We are discussing adding details to our illustrations. Math We are beginning to counting books exploring the numbers 0-5. We made pipe cleaner math racks with five beads and explored the different combinations of numbers to make five. Science/Social Studies We began our science unit entitled the five senses. Science notebooks have been introduced. We observed our eyes using a mirror and went on an observation walk with our “lookers” after reading the looking book. Reminders Please send back your child’s clean towel each Monday. Please empty your child’s take home folder each evening. Please send a note in your child’s take home folder if there will be a change in dismissal. If the change is last minute please call the office Please send a healthy snack to school each day.