CS 3870/CS 5870 Prog 6 Site Map
Site Map XML File Web.sitemap Organize the pages in the site hierarchically Must be located in the application root directory Automatically picked up by the default site-map provider SiteMapDataSource
Creating File Web.sitemap Right click the application root Add Add New Site Map It could be created in a sub-folder, but won’t be recognized
Initial Web.sitemap <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" > <siteMapNode url="" title="" description=""> <siteMapNode url="" title="" description="" /> </siteMapNode> </siteMap>
Web.sitemap Contains only one siteMapNode element The root node can contain any number of child siteMapNode elements The child notes can have their child notes Note Properties URL: can be empty, but no duplicate Title Description