WELCOME Working Group on Art 64 & Art 65 of the Staff Regulations Doc.A64/13/01 REV WELCOME Working Group on Art 64 & Art 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg on 27 September 2013
Content of this presentation (Revised) draft agenda with indicative timings Documents distributed on CIRCABC Documents on original agenda replaced by PPT Documents on original agenda combined/merged
Draft Agenda with indicative timings Item Time END 1 Chairman’s introductory remarks and adoption of the Agenda 5 9h35 2 Final minutes of previous meetings (3.5.2012 A64 and 22.3.2013 A65) 10 9h45 3 Matters arising from the above minutes 9h55 4 Progress report on Court cases (2010-11 and 2011-12) 10h05 Progress report on proposal to reform the Staff Regulations 15 10h20 6 Other relevant developments (decision 2012/504, reform 1049/2001, ESA'10) 10h35 Coffee break 20 10h55 7 Intra-EU (Annual Report 2012; Intermediate Report; complementary information) 11h10 8 Extra-EU (CC in application, CC not yet applied) 11h20 9 A64 Methodological issues (update A64 manuals) 11h35 A64 Working plan 2013 (timetable) 11h45 12h05 11 A65 Methodological issues (update A65 manual; country manuals) 12h15 12 A65 Working plan 2013 (timetable; preview 2013 Annual report) 12h30 13 Miscellaneous (Dissemination; Next meeting dates; Other business) 12h45 + support documents; NB. v2 (Sept) some changes compared to v1 (Aug)
Documents on CIRCABC No printouts in room As usual minutes and slideshows will be circulated afterwards Authorising documents for public dissemination is on Agenda 2013.06.21 Email A65 data request 2013.08.14 Email invitations, Agenda 2013.08.28 4 documents (Agenda; PY minutes) 2013.09.16 18 documents (Agenda REV + pts. 6, 7A, 7B, 8) 2013.09.17 5 documents (5, 8) 2013.09.20 3 documents (pt. 7A) 2013.09.27 0 room documents
New CIRCABC structure Public site: A64&A65WG (Correction Coefficients and Remuneration Indicators) Library folder "Documents from 2013-09 meeting of A64&A65WG" (currently empty) Restricted site: A64WG (Correction Coefficients) Library folder "WG A64&65 meetings/ WG A64&A65 27 September 2013" Restricted site: A65WG (Remuneration) Library folder "A65WG meetings/ 20130927 A64&A65 meeting"
Documents replaced by PPT (a) Agenda point 7a) A64/13/08 SHS 2012 in DE, FR, NL Agenda point 7b) A64/13/14 Intermediate adjustment January 2013 Agenda point 8 (Support document) A64/13/23 Extra-EU FBS Agenda point 9 A64/13/26 Update of A64 Intra-EU method manual A64/13/27 Update of A64 Extra-EU method manual
Documents replaced by PPT (b) Agenda point 10 A64/13/28 Intra-EU workplan (+support document) A64/13/29..30..31..32..33..34..35 A64/13/36 Extra-EU workplan (+support document) A64/13/37 Extra-EU FBS Agenda point 11 A64/13/37 Manual for 2013 exercise A64/13/38 Update of A65 method manual Agenda point 12 A64/13/39 Global specific indicator 2012-2013 A64/13/40 Brussels inflation index 2012-2013 A64/13/41 Control indicators
Documents merged/combined Agenda point 7a) Support docs. A64/13/11 (PEN) + A64/13/13 (TSer) → Support doc. A64/13/11 Agenda point 8, Agenda point 10 Support docs. A64/13/24 (P2P) + A64/13/25 (T2T) Support docs. A64/13/38 (P2P) + A64/13/39 (T2T) → Support doc. A64/13/24