AVID and The Common Core College Readiness Literacy Standards Across Content Areas
Lead High-Level, Text-Based Discussions Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Text Complexity Text-Based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary Students learn through domain specific texts. Time for close, careful, and multiple readings, providing scaffolding and supports. Rich and rigorous experience deeply rooted in common text. Use of text evidence to inform or make an argument. Build vocabulary to access increasingly complex text “The Common Core State Standards highlight five shifts that should be happening in every classroom. Teachers should: Lead High-Level, Text-Based Discussions Focus on Process, Not Just Content Create Assignments for Real Audiences and with Real Purpose Teach Argument, Not Persuasion Increase Text Complexity”
WICR The What The How Read Common Core Standards AVID Strategies Write Read closely Make logical inferences Cite specific text evidence Determine central ideas or themes Summarize key details/ideas Interpret words and phrases Analyze structure of text Assess point of view Integrate and evaluate content in diverse formats Delineate and evaluate argument and claims Analyze /compare two or more texts WICR Socratic Seminars Philosophical Chairs Cornell Notes Annotating text SQ3R Précis Writing I-Search/We-Search Costa’s Questions Concept Mapping Tutorials Learning Log - Points of Confusion Examining Primary Sources Writing Oral History Comparative Analysis Flow Charts Observation Narratives Quick Writes / Timed Writing Think it. Build it. Write it. Write Write arguments to support claims Write informative/explanatory to examine and convey complex ideas Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences Use technology to produce, publish, and collaborate Write routinely over extended and shorter timeframes for range of purposes Research Conduct short and sustained research projects Gather relevant information from multiple sources Draw evidence from literary and informational texts
Unit Planning with Common Core Literacy Standards Depth of Knowledge Enduring Understanding Essential Question Lesson Questions Unit Theme Formative Summative Presentation/ Performance Assessment Tier 2 – Academic Tier 3 – Content specific Academic Vocabulary Recall: 5Ws Skill / Concept: Infer, Cause - Effect Strategic thinking: Hypothesize Extended thinking: Design Skills Clusters Reading Outcomes Writing Outcomes Research Outcomes Speaking & Listening Standards-Based Tasks Cornell Notes Annotating Text Text-Based Writing and Discussion Strategies to Explicitly Teach Skills Staircase of text complexity Balance informational and literary text Instructional Resources Task engagement and analysis Text selection Active readings Essential vocabulary Academic integrity Note-taking Bridging reading and writing Writing Process
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