Latinos Migrate to America WWII brings opportunity for farming in southwest Mexicans Economic problems bring Puerto Ricans to NY Puerto Ricans Communism (Castro) brings Cubans to Miami Cubans
César Chávez Fought for better working conditions UNITED FARM WORKERS (UFW) Boycotted grapes in California - 17 million citizens participated - Four years later they received higher wages and better working conditions
The Youth Movement SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) “New Left” - Protests the Vietnam War Starts on College Campuses with Baby Boomers Port Huron Statement Didn’t like Big Government / Corporations Identifies problems with Racism and Cold War Free Speech Movement Starts at University of California at Berkeley Admin wouldn’t let student distribute literature Students conduct huge sit-ins for days – shut down school….very successful
COUNTERCULTURE - HIPPIES Values: Peace, Tolerance, Close to Nature Lived in Communes: share everything Fashion: defiance through long hair and beards recycled clothes to protest consumerism colors to reject the “grey” 50s Music: folk music and rock ‘n’ roll (electric guitar) Lyrics talked about issues Woodstock festival (festival of love) Death of Hippies: crime in communes Glamour of drug use wore off: overdoses Youth got older (matured)
The Feminist Movement Origin of Movement (people) JFKs Commission on the Status of Women Betty Friedan’s book “The Feminine Mystique” National Organization for Women Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem Stop-ERA - Phyllis Schlafly Successes and Failures Equal Pay Act Civil Rights Act of 1964 ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) Educational Amendments - TITLE IX Roe v. Wade