Unit 7: Celebrate Our Country Theme 14: Where I Live http://sing2give.com/images/ygp446_kids_in_usa_hats.jpg
march- to walk with a group that takes the same size steps http://minghui.tv/pics/0008/Jul/5/phil-parade02.jpg People march in parades.
country- a nation where people live http://www.justsoar.com/public/stuff/united-states-map.jpg The country we live in is the United States.
past- the time before now http://www.ektf.hu/ujweb/upload/images/past_and_1.jpg Things that happened long ago happened in the past.
understand- when you know what something means http://babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerderby/parentconferences.jpg When a teacher explains something to you, it helps you understand.
place- an area where somebody or something can be http://www.ordps.org/pages/uploaded_images/school%20001.jpg A school is a place where you might see a flag.
history- the study of special people and events of the past http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Science/Images/Apollo-11-moon-landing-4.jpg When people first landed on the moon, it was a special day in history.