USI College of Business Faculty Evaluation System What should be the criteria (performance dimensions)? How should performance be measured (traits, behaviors, outcomes, etc.)? Must develop reliable and valid measures (based on job analysis) Additional issues of frame of reference training, multi-rater agreement Errors of central tendency, halo Common dimensions Course organization and planning Clarity, communications skills Teacher-student interaction, rapport Course difficulty, workload Grading and examinations Student self-rated learning Students may not be qualified to evaluate The appropriateness of the instructor’s objectives The relevance of assignments or readings The degree to which subject matter content was balanced and up-to-date The degree to which grading standards were unduly lax or severe
USI College of Business Faculty Evaluation System Provision of sample scales useful E.g., ‘exams accurately assess what students have learned in course’ E.g., ‘instructor stimulates interest in course’ To what extent do factors within control of instructor contaminate outcome measures? E.g., test scores To what extent do factors outside control of instructor impact dimension? E.g., CO1: My instructor motivates me to do my best work. To what extent is motivation of student within control of instructor? Recall Mngt 305 textbook definition of motivation: “The forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior” Apply content and process theories of motivation
USI College of Business Faculty Evaluation System Should customers be involved in developing system? Who are the customers? Limited value of unsubstantiated assertion Are students customers or products (where hiring Ers are actual end-users/customers)? What are students’ objectives and expectations re: learning (competency development or degree completion)? Analogy to Bob’s Gym? i.e., one can pay the gym good money, but if one doesn’t put in the time and effort, little will result (other than Bob being able to pay his staff…)