Supranational Organizations
Supranationalism definition The concept of two or more sovereign states aligned together for a common purpose. That purpose could be trade, defense, or diplomacy.
United Nations This is the largest supranational organization (193 member states). Its Purpose is primarily diplomatic (peace keeping) but it also provides a number of services: -WHO (World Health Organization) -FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) -UNDP (Development Program) -UNICEF (International Children’s Education Fund)
European Union The EU is the world’s largest economy (18.5 trillion annual GDP compared to 17 trillion for the U.S.)
European Union (Cont.) *In 2013 it grew to 28 members. It creates a European economic block to compete with bigger world powers. It acts like a federal government for Europe. It serves five main purposes: Free-trade union Open border policy (workers can now take jobs in other EU states without applying for work permits
European Union (Cont.) 3. Monetary union (common currency eliminates the need for money exchange fees) 4. Judicial union- The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg provides a chance to settle trade related lawsuits. In addition, there is a European Court of Human Rights to protect civil rights. 5. Legislative and regulatory bodies: 785 members
NATO & NAFTA Both are considered Supranationals. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a defense alliance of 29 countries (Made up of European countries plus the U.S. and Canada. It was created to combat Soviet expansion. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) reduced tariffs/promotes free trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
NATO countries
*There are roughly 60 significant supranational organizations today. Why are some people resistant to these kinds of organizations?