Challenging perceptions through cross curricular collaboration Challenging perceptions through cross curricular collaboration. A case study Migration
Bay House School Beatrix College
How do we view these people? As a threat?
Or people in need of help?
Migration in Britain Lesson objectives: To be able to give a balanced, accurate view of the issues of Migration in the UK in order to be prepared for our project on Migration with Beatrix College. Further objectives: To be able to collaborate, problem solve and be creative in our approach To practise communication skills, in the context of discussing migration To be able to explain what immigration is and why it happens To put the current crisis into a context Lesson focus: Historical migration Migration now Life in a refugee camp
What Your group will create two notice boards to compare migration in the United Kingdom to the Netherlands and design and build a model of a present day refugee camp. On one board you will be migration from a historical perspective and the other board will be the present situation. How Divide your group into three sub-groups. Each subgroup will be responsible for a different aspect of the project. Begin each day with a meeting to make an action plan, and give each other feedback on what the group is up to and how to further develop ideas. Boards Create two boards (historical perspective and present situation) to compare the migration in both countries. Each board consists of: At least one pie chart including percentages At least one line graph including labels Relevant information The aim here is to prepare your notice board to clearly show relevant historical and present day information about migration in these areas. In order to do this you should use graphs/ tables/ pictures/ maps and written work to explain your findings and to clearly compare the history of migration to the current situation. Refugee camp Create your own concept of a refugee camp on an A3-paper by using straws, paper and nets. Draw a detailed plan of the design which clearly explains your choices for your refugee camp.
Materials Boards You can use the internet, the library, Mathematics book , pair of scissors, writing materials Refugee camp Mathematics book, (colored) paper, straws, pair of compasses, ruler and writing materials. Time All your work has to be finished by Thursday 7th of July, when you will present your work as a group. So make sure you utilize your project time well. You will work on your project on Tuesday 5th of July: 09:30 – 12:40 Wednesday 6th of July: 08:30 – 12:40 Thursday 7th of July: 08:30 – 10:40 You will present your project on Thursday 7th of July: 11:00 – 12:40 Evaluation See Rubric
Quality& diversity of information on the board Excellent 8 - 10 Good 7 - 8 Satisfactory 5,5 - 7 Needs improvement >5,5 Quality& diversity of information on the board Information clearly relates to the main topic and includes several supporting details and examples. It gives the reader a clear and comprehensive understanding of global migration in the given area. There is depth to the research. Information clearly relates to main topic and provides a few supporting details and examples. It gives the reader an understanding of global migration in the area. Some depth. Information relates to main topic, it provides one or two supporting details and examples. It gives the reader some understanding of global migration in the area. Little depth Hardly any information is provided and leaves the reader with little understanding of the topic. Superficial. Visual quality of the board There are a wide range of visuals including, graphs, tables, pictures etc which enhance the understand of the topic. Well presented and attractive. There are a few visuals which do contribute to the understanding. In general the presentation is attractive. There are some visuals, but not enough to enhance understanding. Work is adequately presented. Few to no visuals. Work is sloppy and poorly presented. Depth and detail of the plan for the refugee camp The plan has been well thought out and clearly shows why certain aspects were included in the design and shows that the topic has been researched. Plan reasonably well thought through and in some detail. Shows that some research has been done. The plan has been thought through but in a limited way. Research has been minimal Little to no research and plan lacks detail. Quality of the build of the model Sturdy, well-built model. Resembles plan Well-built model. Mostly resembles plan Reasonable structure. Has some resemblance to plan. Feeble structure or incomplete. Deviates from plan. Language Grammar & spelling are correct. Accurate use of a range of punctuation. Uses a wide range of vocabulary. Appropriate word choices & expressions Grammar and/or spelling errors are minimal (<2 errors). Generally accurate use of a range of punctuation to make meaning clear. Uses a wide range of vocabulary. Generally correct usage. Some minor mistakes, does not impede reader’s understanding. Several errors in grammar and/or spelling (>2 errors). A range of punctuation is used; errors do not impede meaning. Uses more complex vocabulary. Muddled meaning. Word usage and/or sentence structure sometimes distracting. Many errors in grammar and/or spelling (>4 errors) Limited vocabulary or inappropriate word choice. Consistent incorrect usage of words & phrases. Presentation All group members are able to explain all parts of the topic in a succinct and cohesive manner. Most group members are able to explain the majority of the topic in a succinct and cohesive manner. Most group members are able to give general information about most aspects of the topic. Can only describe information of own part of the topic or little information about the rest. Very superficial.
How Brexit has made Global learning even more of an educational imperative in the UK.
Perception is everything