THE SENTENCES AND PARAGRAPH WRITING The sentence: A sentence is a group of words consisting of at least a subject and a predicate, and expresses a complete idea. The subject of a sentence may consists of only one word or a word with modifiers, and the predicate may contain a verb alone or a verb with modifiers. However, sometimes a group of words may look like a sentence, but it is not, because it may not have a subject or the main verb (predicate), or both. Examples: Many people are waiting in line to buy fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds. Many people waiting in line to buy fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds.
The Sentences and Paragraph Writing The cassava and sweet potato grow very well on sandy soils with adequate water supply. On sandy soils with adequate water supply. He is giving instructions to the students doing field works near the glasshouse. To the students doing field works near the glasshouse.
The Sentence and Paragraph Writing Paragraph: A paragraph is a group of sentences that has a topic sentence, a controlling idea with a list of ideas, and a conclusion, and the main objective is to convey the central idea clearly and effectively. Recognizing and knowing your sentences thoroughly is very important first step because the sentences are the basic elements to construct a paragraph. Central idea: not too broad, and must go into details of the subject matters, focus on one aspect of topics. Example: the use of pesticides in plant protection programme (too broad) It is important to consider the hazards which can occur because of pesticide use (limited into central idea)
The Sentence and Paragraph Writing Structure of Paragraph: A paragraph should contain three main parts, i.e. the topic sentence, list of ideas, and a conclusion. A topic sentence is a sentence showing what the paragraph is about, (control and clarify the whole paragraph). A topic sentence normally is placed at the beginning of the paragraph, and it is often the first sentence in the paragraph. A topic sentence must fulfill two requirements: 1) it must have a subject, i.e. what we are talking about, and 2) it must have a controlling idea, i.e. what we are saying about the subject.
The Sentence and Paragraph Writing Outline: consists of a list of ideas which support controlling idea. Conclusion: restatement of the topic sentence in the different words. Topic sentence: Irrigation system help farmers in rural areas. List of ideas : opening employment opportunities farmer’s utilization of land to its maximum capacity two or three harvests a year not dependent on seasons simultaneous planting season to fight insects Conclusion: Therefore, irrigation is, indeed, beneficial to farmers.
The Sentence and Paragraph Writing Form and organization of paragraph: In the outline you simply write down a list of ideas that will be developed to support the topic sentence. Thus, a paragraph has three parts: a topic sentence or introduction, a discussion, which contains the development of the controlling idea to support the topic sentence, and a conclusion, which is a restatement of the topic sentence in different words.
Assignment Topic Sentence: Rubber has helped to create our present day modern civilization. Outline: - rubber is used in transportation and electricity. - eighty percent of the component of automotive industry is rubber. - rubber is used in transmission, conveyer belts and tires. - rubber is used in footwear and cable insulation. - rubber is used in coated fabrics to obtain waterproof properties. Conclusion: Thus, it can be said that we owe much of our present modern life to rubber.