Focus Skill: Reference Sources
Good readers use reference sources to help them find information.
There are many print reference sources. A few examples are.....
A dictionary is a book people use to find a word’s meaning, spelling, part of speech, and pronunciation. Dictionaries are organized in alphabetical order with guide words at the top of each page.
A thesaurus is a book people use to find synonyms A thesaurus is a book people use to find synonyms. Synonyms are words that mean almost the same thing. A thesaurus is set up like a dictionary. happy- cheerful, joyful, glad, delighted, pleased, satisfied, content
An atlas is a book people use to find a map of a state, country, or part of the world.
An encyclopedia is a set of books that people use to find information An encyclopedia is a set of books that people use to find information. Topics are arranged in alphabetical order.
There are also technology reference sources. A few examples are..... CDs DVDs computer
People use the internet to find many kinds of information People use the internet to find many kinds of information. You can read documents, see pictures and artwork, listen to music, and take a virtual tour of many places.
Let’s practice!
Which reference source would you use to find a word that means the same as the word “smart”? A. dictionary B. thesaurus C. atlas thesaurus
If I had to do a project on Rosa Parks, where would I look to find information on her? A. dictionary B. atlas C. encyclopedia encyclopedia
If I want to take a trip to Disney World, which reference source would help me figure out how to get there? A. atlas B. encyclopedia C. thesaurus atlas
If I wasn’t sure how to spell a word, which reference source would I look in? A. atlas B. encyclopedia C. dictionary dictionary
What reference source could you use to look up information about President Obama? A. atlas B. thesaurus C. internet internet
True or False: A printer is an example of a reference source.
BONUS: What is a search engine? It is a special tool on the internet. People use search engines to find out what they need to know about a topic.
BONUS: What is a website? It is a location on the internet that gives people information about a topic.