Our business model Watch the movie session 2, before and the movie of Simon Sinek Welcome everyone Brief introduction of these meetings (if new people attend) Brief introduction of the host/trainer (if he/she is new) Brief introduction of participants (if new people attend) Business Model, Earning Model or Revenue Model. How do we actually make money? Why do people do business with us? What distinguishes us from our competitors? Example: Manufacturer who produces concrete. In our discussion about his earning model, he discovered it was: his accuracy delivery on time always keeping his promises It was not his product, but he himself (personal values and character). He brought his own personality into the company which made the company famous.
Questions What is the business you are in? What do you sell? Why do customers buy from you? What are your personal values you work by? What is the added value of your company, compared to your competitors? Give everyone 5 minutes to answer these questions. I want to take you to the following movie of Simon Sinek, about our actual business Show the movie from Simon Sinek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI0cJdOzUcQ Europartners Connecting businesspeople to Christ 22.11.2018
The Golden circle Simon Sinek ((TED Talk – youtube) https:// Europartners Connecting businesspeople to Christ 22.11.2018
In conversation Europartners Take some time to discuss this video Connecting businesspeople to Christ 22.11.2018
Working time Redefine your answers from the first sheet Put on paper: Your Mission (Why do you exist, what is your main target, now?) Your Vision (Who do you want to be, your dream, future?) Your Values (Where do you believe in, business principles?) For example Europartners: http://www.europartners.org/about and Shell: http://www.shell.com/src/about-src/vision.html Or others (what you prefer) Akzo: https://www.akzonobel.com/pk/cp/aboutus/our_vision_mission/ DSM: http://www.dsm.com/corporate/about/corporate-governance/business-principles/our-mission.html Just show two websites 22.11.2018
Small group discussion Share your thoughts, answers and questions with your peers Discuss the next sheet 22.11.2018
Why do you have customers? Did you ever do a survey why customers buy your product? How can personal values influence your daily operations and the way you do your business? If this is your USP and revenue model, are you consistent and trustworthy in it? 22.11.2018
Love and relationship, as a business concept? What will it do with the corporate culture? How will it influence our relationship to suppliers? What does this mean for our customers? How does this lead to more efficiency? How do you dismiss someone or handle conflicts? What could become the challenge? Corporate culture Tell a story, for example: You come in many companies and when you walk with the boss through the office building, you sometimes enter a room or a plan office and all the screens flash to another program, all the buzz and talk stops. Clear, dominant and doctorial leadership. In some offices the staff comes to the manager in order to discuss new opportunities, ideas and views. Which one do you prefer, which would be more fruitful, which company can become bigger than the abilities of its leader? Relationship with suppliers? Even when customers do purchasing with an Excel sheet and the commodities are equal in times of crises, the search for added value relationships will have an advantage. Example: Ahold, flowercompany Customer: Example: selling cars -> the customer, not the car. People feel the atmosphere, where do you want to buy. Efficiency? Cooperation, working together, one goal. New ideas and people will help. Example: Air France -> Dutch culture of consultation and pragmatic solutions. Dismissal Reviews and appraisals are the base of a process where people learn about themselves and the requirements for the job they are doing. Conflicts with buyers and suppliers -> evaluate the requirements and performance with them. Be clear and open -> exchange experiences and tell them your opinion and the consequences. It is up to them to decide what to do and how to behave. The challenge is not working hard, control or making concepts, but to inspire, bring together and defining ends. Taking care for relationships and loving people. It is a different way of doing business. Change of human nature? Europartners Connecting businesspeople to Christ 22.11.2018
Innovation and progress Working together in freedom increases knowledge and opportunities Keep in mind: The credibility and reliability of your partners Never work in a partnership with people who have different values Start a network of business relationships based on values Search for partners who are not logically connected to your business Communicate in an open, fair and straightforward way Always ask yourself what is the benefit or added value for my partner Use the wisdom, intelligence, skills, talents and opportunities from others as well. Three are more than one. Always look for networks and new alliances of unexpected partners. IT- logistic Craftsmanship – retail Finances – sales Philips and Douwe Egberts (Sara Lee) – electronics and coffee? Tesla -> electronics and race car Communities, innovation, added value, technology and simplicity are key words nowadays. Use what is given to you. There is much potential, just unleash it. Dare to think differently! 22.11.2018
Small group discussion Share your personal stories about: Your personal disappointments and strongholds that block innovation and cooperation with others and within your company. How to overcome this? 22.11.2018
Central feedback Europartners Connecting businesspeople to Christ 22.11.2018
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Next time: New economics EUROPARTNERS www.europartners.org