Send Attachment “About Me” Word Send Attachment “About Me”
Success Criteria Student will be able to access their email using Outlook. Students will write a paragraph in word about themselves. Students will be able to successfully email teacher their document using Outlook.
Ways to Access Word 1. Start Menu 2. Search bar 3. Desktop Icon
Word via the Start Menu
Word via Search Bar
Word via Desktop Icon Double click on the desktop icon
Word via Desktop Icon Don’t have an icon? Create one: Right click the icon in the start menu, choose MORE, then choose open file location Right click and choose Create shortcut..
Adding Shortcuts to the Word Taskbar Click on the drop-down arrow. Here you can choose more items to add to your taskbar. Choosing MORE COMMANDS will bring up all options.
“About Me” Write a brief paragraph about yourself. Be sure to include the following: Family information (siblings, etc). Hobbies or interests. Favorite things. Email your document to your teacher. PLEASE NOTE!!!! If you use the ATTACH shortcut in Word, this will create a draft email which will “queue up” to be sent to your teacher. YOU MUST open up Outlook in order for the email to actually send. Otherwise it will “sit” in your Outbox until you open Outlook.