World Cultural Geography Types of Maps World Cultural Geography
Reference Maps Reference Maps These types of maps allow you to find places of interest Roads, Cities, Landmarks, public transportation, and various other locals
Navigational Maps Navigational Maps These types of maps are often used by ships and airplanes. These types of maps help you plot coordinates and set a route for travel.
Physical Maps Physical maps help you see the types of landforms and bodies of water found in a specific area By looking at these you can see relative location and characteristics of a region Color, Shading or contour lines are used to indicate elevation or altitude.
Political Maps Political Maps show features on the earth’s surface that humans created Things that can be included on political maps include: Cities States Provinces Territories Countries
Thematic Maps Thematic Maps (3 types) These type of maps allow you to see data on a map. These type of maps also allow you to see a visual representation of certain trends in a location.
Thematic Maps Qualitative Maps These use colors, symbols, dots, or lines to help see patterns related to specific data.
Thematic Maps Cartograms In these geographers present information about a country based on a set of data other than land. The size country is drawn in proportion to the size of the data.
Thematic Maps Flow-Line Maps These show the movement of people, ideas, animals and goods.
Map Poem F L O W I N E