Lesson Overview Concept = Foreign Policy! In this lesson we will focus on our nations early struggles in regard to our standing with England, France, and Spain.
Embargo Act of 1807
Activate What Does “Foreign Policy” Mean? What Are Examples Of Foreign Policy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs9Rl5eJiJI Three dance moves 1. 2. 3.
Policy of Neutrality The French Revolution Began In 1789, Putting Usa In Bad Position W/ France Declaring War On Britain We saw oceans as a protection from European conflict, but ironically, our trade drew us into the European conflict. President Washington Declared USA Neutral, But British Did Not Respect Neutrality Siezed American Ships Carrying Goods To France Occupied Forts On Us Land
JAY’S TREATY Washington Sent John Jay To Britain To Negotiate, And Signed “Jay’s Treaty” Said Britain Could Continue To Sieze Ships In Exchange For “Most Favored Nation” Status. Treaty Prevented War, Protected Economy…….But Also Reflected American Weakness At The Time Positive = Led To Pickneys Treaty = USA Right To Use Mississippi From Spain.
THE QUASI-WAR W/ FRANCE Angered By Jay’s Treaty, France Began Seizing American Ships Going To Britain XYZ Affair Angers Americans…”millions For Defense, But Not One Cent For Tribute” In 1798, France And USA Began Fighting An Undeclared War At Sea = “Quasi-war W/ France” Both Sides Stopped Fighting In 1800. USA Gave Up Claims For Damages In Return For Release From Treaty Of 1778.
AP 1: Talking Heads 1 = How is Jay’s Treaty a good example of American Foreign Policy during our early years? (1790’s) 2 = The phrase “millions for defense, but not 1 cent for tribute” refers to what episode in American History? What does this mean?
Tom Richey’s version of the story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qc0RCwr8Ig
THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE During The Jefferson Administration, Napoleon Sells The Louisiana Territory To The United States To Fund His Conquest Of Europe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs2w4lwQRtc
AP 3: I sentence summary on the Louisiana Purchase.
Focus What is Foreign Policy? What is the job of an ambassador? 3) What is the job of the Sec. of State? 4) Why did George Washington proclaim American Neutrality during the French Revolution? 5)Who did Jefferson and the Republicans support? 6) Who did Hamilton and the Federalists support? 7) How is Jay’s Treaty a good example of our early Foreign Policy?
RISING INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS Jefferson Also Had To Contend With Pirate Raids Against American Ships And Keeping The United States Out Of The War Between Britain And France.
ECONOMIC WARFARE American Merchants Cought In Middle Between War Raging Between France And Britian American Merchants Would Lose Their Goods
IMPRESSMENT The British Claimed The Right To Search American Ships For Deserters. On Many Ocassions, They Impressed American Citizens As Well Legalized Form Of Kidnapping
THE EMBARGO OF 1807 Congress Passed The Embargo Act = Halt All Trade Between Usa And Europe Hurt The Usa More Than Europe
AP 4 What does the Embargo Act of 1807 say about our Foreign Policy in 1807?
ACTIVITY http://www.socialstudieshelp.com/Lesson_23_Notes.htm
Learning Log In Your Journal, Summarize What You Have Learned Today About Early American Foreign Policy. How is Jay’s Treaty a good example of the complexities of dealing with other nations? Summarize what led to the XYZ affair and its effects on American Foreign policy. What issues did the Embargo Act attempt to solve? Was it effective in solving those issues? Explain in your own words the goal of our Foreign Policy from 1789 to 1812.