Prezygotic isolation Temporal – crickets mature at different times
Prezygotic isolation Habitat – land vs. water garter snakes
Prezygotic isolation Behavioral – firefly mating
Prezygotic isolation Gametic – sea urchins shed gametes at same time Common west coast species: Clockwise, upper Left: purple urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus red urchin S. franciscanus and green urchin S. droebachiensis
Prezygotic isolation Mechanical
Postzygotic isolation - hybrid viability - hybrid sterility
Biological species challenges Fossil species - Bat from Wyoming Asexual species Butterfly lizard (Leiolepis ngovantrii) Eschirichia coli Ring species – Larus argentatus (herring gull)
63 morphospecies of semaeostome jellyfishes Fungi that rot a plant in Ecuador Semaeostome jellyfish are large with frilly arms Trilobites
Cryptic species
Phylogenetic species Order Carnivora synapomorphy = Carnassial teeth Suborder Feliformia synapomorphy = double chambered auditory bulb
Phylogenetic species
Allopatric speciation
Allopatric speciation - vicariance
Allopatric speciation - dispersal
Sympatric speciation Potential explanation for speciation of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria