It is well known that climate and weather conditions affect human health. This means that the climate change, which is globally observed, can have a great effect on the row of data associated with the health and well-being of populations. This is a considerable impact, which is not often taken into account with appropriate attention, since most people believe that their personal health depends primarily on their behaviour, heredity or their accessibility to health services.
Climate change affects the human body directly and indirectly Climate change affects the human body directly and indirectly. Direct exposure takes place through changeable weather conditions, such as temperature, rainfall, rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events. Indirect exposure is due to the lower quality of water, air and food, while it can be a result of the changes in the ecosystem of agriculture, industry, settlements and economy, as well. Consequently, climate change increases the number of worldwide existing diseases but also creates new ones that can lead to premature death.
The effects of climate change on health can be divided briefly into the following categories Direct and indirect impacts of climate change on human health a) Outcomes that are immediate and usually due to extreme weather events. b) Indirect effects which are caused as a consequence of environmental variation and ecological disruption due to climate change. c) various impacts which are caused at the expense of some populations that deal with environmental degradation and economic problems as a result of climate change.
Ultraviolet radiation. Another indirect impact of climate change on health is a result of the probable variation of UV radiation. EUROSUN examined the various aspects of the possible threat from ultraviolet rays because of the extended exposure in sun all over Europe and the effects it has on human health. The goal of this project, which was funded by the community health programme, is the monitoring of exposure to ultraviolet rays and its correlation with the frequency of skin cancer, including malignant melanoma and cataracts .
Diseases transmitted by vectors The IPCC expects that climate change will result in changes in the transmission of infectious diseases by vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks , due to the changes in their geographical spreading, their seasons of activity and the size of their population, The limits of the geographical distribution of ticks in the EU are heading towards North and higher altitudes •Moreover the development towards milder winters can result in the spreading of the tick population and consequently, the exposure of humans to diseases like Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) and tick-borne encephalitis.
Heavy rainfalls are associated with the manifestation of certain waterborne diseases ,due to the mobilization of pathogens or extensive water contamination from overflowing sewers. The reduced water flows in summer can increase the chance of bacterial or chemical poisoning. Higher water temperatures may also result in increased occurrence of harmful algae propagation. Higher faecal bacteria contamination may affect the water intakes of drinking water and aquatic areas that are used for recreational purposes. In addition, the lack of suitable water for everyday hygiene practices that have great importance to health, such as the right way of hand washing, can contribute to more infectious diseases outbreaks.
According to the anticipations of the World Health Organization, climate changes and global warming, are expected to make a significant impact on health. These impacts will come from increasing storms,floods,waves, droughts and fires that will affect water supplies, the production of healthy foods, and the general management of health systems.
The increased temperature will contribute to the increase of morbidity and mortality, which relates to the nutrition and the quality of water and air. The higher frequency of heat waves is expected to lead to increased mortality because of heat stoke and thermal stress.
The most vulnerable groups because of climate change will be: -the seniors -the children The deterioration of air quality, particularly as a result of the ozone pollution , will increase the predisposition of asthma and respiratory infections, the number of admissions to hospitals, and the days of absence from work and school. While trying to find more energy sources, not only air pollution and diseases which have to do with it will be increased, but also the number of premature deaths from various causes which happen in a variety of ages. Finally, the higher frequency and severity of heat waves will lead to an increase of mortality, thermal stress and heat stroke. ‘‘A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself ’’ Franklin D. Roosevelt ‘‘We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment’’ Margaret Mead
~This project was done by: Vamvoukaki Emmanouela Vergetaki Georgia Vergetaki Pelina Vereraki Antonia Fasoulaki Maria