Current Cluster Team Structure since 5th April, 2018 Francesca Coloni - UNHCR National Cluster Coordinator +964 (0) 772 616 3725 Michel Tia - IOM Information Management Officer - National +964 (0) 750 021 1720 Cornelius Weira - IOM Sub National Coordinator, Centre and South +964 (0) 751 234 2548 Laurence West - UNHCR Sub National Coordinator, KRI +964 (0) 771 911 0574 Andrea Quaden - NRC National Cluster Co-Chair +964 (0) 751 740 7635 (Vacant) Associate Information Management Officer - National +964 (0) 771 488 2672 Joseph Chlela - ACTED Roving Cluster Coordinator, Ninewa and Kirkuk +964 (0) 773 695 2764 Aziz Abultimman - UNHCR Senior Cluster Associate +964 (0) 750 868 6038
Sub-National Shelter & NFI Cluster Coordination meeting for C&S Review of minutes of previous meeting Information Management Cluster achievements from ActivityInfo, ActivityInfo reporting timelines, Assessments & Indicators MCNA VI, AWG Common Database, RNA, War damaged shelter interventions - data collection tool Key Issues Summerisation Planning Tikrit Evictions Updates ( Shaqlawa and Dream City) Camp Consolidation and Closures Updates Governorate updates AoB Wednesday 25th April 2018
1. Review of action points from previous meeting Follow up on case of missing IDP names in the IDP register in HTC camps and take appropriate action- Done Share emails of Ivans and Yousif from UNHABITAT with Shelter Partners working on WAR Damaged Shelter Assessments and Repairs – Done Provide feedback / raw data on war damaged shelter assessments for consolidation – IMO to confirm Continue to support Partners to develop high quality IHPF project proposals that meet the quality and standards – Ongoing Share latest list of consolidated camps in Anbar, Baghdad and Salah a Din- Done
2. Information Management Cluster achievements from ActivityInfo – shared 19Apr.2018 12:32 PM Out of the overall target of 1.9 million, 450,635 people have been assisted with NFI kits; 62,391 of which have also benefited from shelter interventions. The coverage for NFI kits stands at 24% of the cluster target; and the coverage for shelter stands at 3% of the cluster target. Online inter-cluster dashboard:
2. Information Management ActivityInfo reporting timelines 2018: Information flow/roles and responsibilities/timeframes for monthly reporting on ActivityInfo Sectors/Clusters activities reported by partners on both (Refugees and IDPs) databases of ActivityInfo 2 Partner 1: Partner 2: Partner N: Partners report achievements of previous month on ActivityInfo 1st of current month – 5th of next month 1 ActivityInfo Online Database 3 Feedback to partners according to 3RP/HRP logframe 5 4 Starting on 6th of each month 1st of current month – 5th of next month Donors, management, program units of all agencies, sectors/clusters, IMOs, field staff, Public Information Can extract information from ActivityInfo IMOs: prepare information products after extracting the data from ActivityInfo Sector/cluster IMOS in collaboration with Sector/Cluster Leads/Coordinators: Responsible on day to day basis to validate the data reported by partners 6 Indicators Aggregation Rules Sector/Cluster: 1. Objective Indicator (for information products) 1.1. Output Indicator (Performance level) 1.1.1. Activity Indicator (for ActivityInfo) Aggregation
2. Information Management Assessments & Indicators MCNA VI – ongoing process AWG Common Database – ongoing process RNA – existing tool/Indicators War damaged shelter interventions – data collection tool
3. Key Issues - Summerisation Planning – Current identified needs in camps # Governorate Name of Camp (Camps Area) HH in need of summarisation ( Blanket Provision of summer top up) Est. needs for IDPs that have not received Summarization kit at all ( Targeted Provision of summer top up) AWC Available (Air Cooler) AWC needs (Air Cooler) % of HH need AWC Electricity available Electricity Hours 1 Electricity Hours 2 1 Anbar Amriyat Al-Fallujah 4,111 2,878 1644 2467 60% yes 11 2 HTC 1929 1,350 578 1351 70% 3 K18 118 215 503 8 4 Al-Khalidiyah 624 375 249 5 Bziebiz 1,230 1245 50% 6 Salah al-Din Bassaten 406 162 244 7 Al Alam 1 333 84 133 200 Al Alam 2 267 67 106 161 9 AL Alam 3 381 96 114 10 Al Karama 504 76 201 303 Al Shahama 140 42 98 12 Baghdad Al-Wehda 26 20 77% 13 Al-Latifiya1 32 0% 14 Al-Latifiya-Hay Al-Qadisiya2 15 Al-Khadhraa Camp 81 16 Al-Ahal Camp 145 17 Al-Jamiaa Camp 45 18 Al-Amal Camp-UNHCR RHU 103 Total 10,488 5,332 85% 43%
3. Key Issues b. Tikrit Evictions Updates ( Shaqalawa and Dream City) Contingency Planning meetings being coordinated by DRC and OCHA with partners on ground The evictions expected to be effected by June at the end of the school calendar will affect IDPs residing in Shaqalawa and Dream city housing complexes, more than 500 IDPs will be affected There is possibility of the majority of IDPs relocating to Al Alam Camps as a number of Beiji IDPs cannot return.
3. Key Issues c. Camp Consolidation and Closures Updates Al Khalidiya; All camps to be closed and consolidated into camps 7, 8 and 11. HTC: All MODM camps to be closed.
4. Governorate updates
5. AOB
Summer response in AAF Camps – 24 Oct. 2016 THANKS.