WWW.EDS-DESTATIS.DE THE GERMAN WEBSITE FOR EU STATISTICS Luxembourg | 2 April 2008 Workshop ESDS Best Practices Exchange Birgit Fischer EDS European Data Service Statistisches Bundesamt
Agenda 1. Background: Destatis website and corporate design 2. Structure of the website 2.1 Statistics by theme 2.2 Publications 2.3 Topic of the month 2.4 Services of EDS European Data Service 2.5 Statistics by product 3. Website monitoring 20.11.2018
1. Background: The main national Destatis website and corporate design General layout: same colour scheme for all Destatis websites (white background, blue navigation) Navigation Navigation by topic on one side Special offers on the other side 20.11.2018
2. Structure of the EDS website: basic principles same colour scheme (white background, blue navigation) same basic layout as Destatis website but independent navigation www.eds-destatis.de Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen und wichtige Datenbank-Aktualisierungen auf der Startseite 20.11.2018
2.1 Structure of the website: The Eurostat themes Statistics by Theme Link to Eurostat Online Database Link to Eurostat predefined tables Publications Statistics / Data in Focus Working Papers and Studies 20.11.2018
2.2 Publications: All Eurostat publications available online All publications are entered into an SQL database systematic approach 20.11.2018
2.2 Publications Options for download Options for ordering a print version 20.11.2018
2.2 Publications: Order form for print version 20.11.2018
2.3 Website feature: Topic of the month 20.11.2018
2.3 Topic of the month: Example World Water Day 20.11.2018
2.3 Topic of the month: Website statistics 274.303 hits in total Even older archive topics enjoy great popularity Most popular topics population, inflation, minimum wages, EU accession of Romania and Bulgaria 20.11.2018
2.4 Structure of the website: Services provided Single access to all services ESDS Support Customized data tables Media services Info Centre 20.11.2018
2.4 Service: European statistical data support 20.11.2018
2.4 Service: Customized data tables Explanation of this service Easy-to-use order forms Information on subscriptions, ad-hoc extractions and prices Clear indication that all data is available free of charge and online (grant commitment to free service) 20.11.2018
2.4 Service: Media services 20.11.2018
2.5 Structure of the website: Statistics by products Publications, Catalogues Databases Classifications, Methodology Geographical Data Microdata for Researchers 20.11.2018
2.5 Statistics by Products: Databases 20.11.2018
3. Website Monitoring: Main Results In 2007 we registered a total of more than 11 million hits Increase of 47% on 2006 25% of hits for English language version Most popular downloads: 1. Eurostat Yearbook, 2. Gas and Electricity Market Statistics, 3. Population Statistics, 4. Energy Pocketbook, 5. Cultural Statistics Pocketbook Eurostat databases accessed 235.975 times via our website (+130%): main themes of database accessed were economy (18%), social conditions (18%) and enterprise statistics (14%) 20.11.2018
Thank you very much for your attention! Birgit Fischer Federal Statistical Office of Germany / I-Punkt Berlin