Flagship 1 Priority Setting & Impact Acceleration Arega Alene Agricultural Economist, IITA Flagship Program Leader, Priority Setting & Impact Acceleration, CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals
PIM & livestock: staff time Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1.1: Foresight, climate change analysis, and priority setting Work package Activity Start date End date Deliverable Funding source Work package 1: Foresight and ex-ante impact analyses building on the pre-proposal ex-ante evaluation to identify the research and technology options that are likely to have the greatest impacts and the areas where the research will be most relevant Develop multi-dimensional assessment framework to capture multiple roles of GLDC crops 2018 2018: report on multi-dimensional assessment framework W1&2 Expert consultations: online surveys to get values of parameters needed for foresight and priority-setting (validating baseline values; scenario development) Survey report Assess GLDC technologies based on impact on poverty, employment, food & nutrition security, livestock feed, and NRM (urbanization and diet preferences) 2022 2019: report on assessment of GLDC technologies (breeding + agronomy) 2020: report on assessment of GLDC technologies (system research) 2021: report on foresight for GLDC technologies (urbanization; diet preferences) 2022: manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journal Work package 2: Food supply, demand and price projections under climate change and other socio-economic drivers of change such as technology, population growth, and urbanization (e.g., changes in diets and consumer preferences with urbanization and income growth) Revise base values in bio-economic modeling framework: enhance accuracy of projections of demand and supply of GLDC crops 2018: Excel files with code changes in IMPACT PIM & livestock: staff time W1&2: operations identify future hotspot areas relative to the competitive uses of GLDC crops across target GLDC countries under a changing climate 2019 2019: report on future hotspot areas relative to the competitive uses of GLDC crops across target GLDC countries under a changing climate 2020: manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journal
Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1 Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1.2: Value chains, markets, and drivers of adoption Work pakage Activity Start date End date Deliverable Funding source Adoption 1. Systematic review of a decade of learning on drivers of adoption (joint with 1.4) 2018 2019 W1+2 2. Pilot study on behavioural biases in adoption decisions (funding needed) 3. Gender yield gap analysis – lessons for drivers of adoption Bilateral + W1+2 4. Adoption assessment using DNA fingerprinting from 3 national representative 5. Aspirations of rural households as drivers of adoption bilateral 6. Drought tolerant crops – adoption progress and the influence of SMART Food marketing Value Chain Any on-going work? Any needs outside FP 1 working group? Consumer and market demand Asssessment of GLDC potential for the urban poor ? Lessons from SMART food campaign Bilateral?
CRP GLDC Gender Strategy Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1.3: Gender integration and social inclusion in the drylands (con Work-Package Activity Start date End date Deliverable Funding source 1.3.1 Participation of women in GLDC value chains Revise a GLDC Gender (women) strategy from GL, DC and DS ( June 2018 Dec 2018 CRP GLDC Gender Strategy W1/w2 Synthesis of the GENNOVATE data, learning and publications – norms and decision making/power relations in the GLDC value chains + prioritize VC segments with potential for engagement (pilots) Jan 2019 Dec 2019 Report, Paper, Opportunity structures/business development in GLDC Value chains that enhance women’s participation (systematic reviews, partnership negotiations, piloting) Jan 2020 Dec 2020 Piloting women empowerment strategies in selected GLDC value chains Jan 2021 Dec 2022
Strategy document+ paper on process Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1.3: Gender integration and social inclusion in the drylands (con Work-Package Activity Start date End date Deliverable Funding source 1.3.2 Participation of youth in GLDC value chains Develop a GLDC youth strategy (systematic review, consultative process, workshop, publications) May 2018 April 2019 Strategy document+ paper on process W1/W2 Characterize the youth in the drylands (consultative process, surveys, pilots, case studies) Jan 2019 July 2019 Report, Paper, Opportunity structure and roles of ICT/Digital agriculture in GLDC Value chains (systematic reviews, partnership negotiations, piloting) Aug 2019 Dec 2020 Piloting youth empowerment strategies in selected GLDC value chains Jan 2021 Dec 2022
Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1 Priority Activities for 2018 and beyond CoA1.4: Enabling environments and scaling to accelerate impact Work Package Activity Start date End date Deliverable Funding source Enabling conditions 1. Systematic review of impact & adoption studies of GLDC commodities (with CoA 1.2) 05-2018 2019 Paper + coms. products W1/2 Scaling approaches 2. 1 + support scaling projects to evaluate scaling approaches & models (TL3 & Hope II) 06-2018 2020 Scaling comparison protocol + paper + coms W3 with W1/2 to supplement 3. Getting to scale toolkit for GLDC varieties/mgt. practices 03-2018 Toolkit + guidance + online video Impact assessment 4. 1 + provision of guidance and support for selected bilateral projects 04-2018
Thank you Demand-driven Innovation for the Drylands www.gldc.cgiar.org In partnership with CGIAR Centers, public and private organizations, governments, and farmers worldwide www.gldc.cgiar.org Thank you