Governance Governance Risks EU‘s plans for 2016 Timeline Possible Actions in 2016
What is governance about? Network of institutional, procedural, financial and market arrangements put in place to allocate responsibility between the EU institutions, MS and stakeholders to deliver the EU’s 2030 target and E-U objectives and to implement the Paris Agreement The Energy-Union/2030 frameworks represent a major review of substantial aspects of the governance regime – widening further in 2016-18 legislative revision.
Mitigation of risks in governance debate EU over-reaction to MS right to flexibility over energy mix - COM looses confidence and hesitation results in lost opportunities. BREXIT – DE isolated as champion of strong 2030 governance & proactive UK pressure for ‘less Europe’ ‘Better regulation’ agenda results in excessive streamlining of P&R – weaker results Merger of EU decarbonisation objective into E-U concept risks P&R for 2030 targets being subsumed into much weaker ‘high level’, light touch – ‘E-U governance’ regime. Prolonged uncertainty undermines 2020 targets & weakens investor certainty in post 2020 period
2016 Governance tools National Climate and Energy plans (NCEAPs) – design of the structure and content as well as the process to develop the plans C & E Planning, reporting and monitoring system on climate and energy EU binding RE target - implementation: no binding target – approach – Gap filler Member States regional cooperation Modelling and IA of 2030 target in the light of Paris Agreement
Timeline - governance 1. Stakeholder consultation – open until 08 April „streamlining of planning and reporting obligations as part of the energy union governance” 2. Template for NCEAPs: questions to MS, key indicators – July 2016 3. Legal proposal Energy Union Governance – planning, reporting and monitoring obligations – Q4 2016 4. Technical working groups: March 2016 – on templates for national energy and climate plans April 2016 – national technical working group meeting July 2016 – on regional cooperation and indicators October 2016 – on methodological tools
Timeline - governance Second State of the Energy Union (Q4 2016) To present how far MS and EC have come in 2016 and how far to go to achieve the targets To be accompanied by An update of the 28 country factsheets on Energy Union implementation Reports/guidance, such as on regional cooperation
Network engagement Advocate the importance of good governance for the EUEU and for 2030 – investor‘s certainty What is the best approach for your country for the NCEPs? – Principles of good planning Engage in the preparation of the planning process in your country Contact the national expert of you country and deliver your position Emphasize the relevance of long-term planing for 2050
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