Hogue’s Syllabus Biology I
Contact Info: Email: brhogue@cpcsc.k12.in.us Voicemail: 535-2025 x 7210 Website: link
Materials needed: The usual: Binder Pen and/or pencil Paper Agenda book
Behavior Expectations Respect for Yourself, Responsibility for Your Actions, and to Remember the Rights of Others.
Consequences: 1st offense: Warning, verbal or written. Student may be moved at the discretion of the teacher. 2nd offense: Conference between student and teacher, may be sent to hall. If problem persists (daily offense), parents/guardians will be called. 3rd offense: After school detention and parents/guardians will be called. 4th offense: Discipline referral form. Horseplay in the lab results in #2, 3, & 4 being enforced at once & a zero for the lab!
Things to Note… If you have to return to your locker for any of the daily materials, you will receive a tardy. Taking time out of class to retrieve your materials is the same as being tardy to class – essentially, lost class time. Always be prepared. Assigned work in due at the start of class. You are expected to participate during class discussions and classroom activities. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the make up assignments when you return. You will have as many days to turn in the assignment, as you were absent (make-up work in tray with your name). Labs must be made up by arrangement with your teacher. Late work accepted 1 day late for 50% credit. Red/Green for electronic devices: NO electronic devices may be out while the RED side of the electronic device sheet is showing. All electronic devices, if out while a RED side is showing, will be taken & turned into the office with a referral.
Grading Policy Grading Scale & Report Card information: The WCHS grading scale applies to all classes: 100-94 A, 93-92 A-, 91-90 B+, 89-85 B, 84-83 B-, 82-81 C+, 80-76 C, 75-74 C-, 73-72 D+, 71-67 D, 66-65 D-. A student’s score on an assignment is classified into one of two different categories. The final report card grade is weighed by the following method: 90% - Formal Assessments, which include: Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Lab Write-Ups, & Formal Writing Assignments. Science Retesting Policy: - see next slide. 10% - Practice, which includes: Homework*, Practice Labs, Reading questions, & In-class activities. * Not all homework will be graded. However, an answer key will be available for you to check your work to better prepare for quizzes and other assessments.
Science Retesting Policy Students may be given an opportunity to retest in all science classes except AP courses. --All practice work must be completed to be eligible to retest. --The teacher will determine if a second assessment will be offered. The length and version will be at the teacher's discretion. Students must make a sincere effort on the first assessment to be eligible for a retest. --The teacher may require that the student attend extra help sessions or complete additional remedial work before retesting. Extra help could be offered during Guided Instruction, before or after school, or during study hall. – Upon Request. --The teacher will determine how much time is allowed to complete a retest. – Miss Hogue’s Class…1 WEEK. -- The grade recorded will be the higher of the two. Only one retest is permitted. In accordance with the WCHS building policy, students may only retest if the original test score is below 82.5%, and may earn a maximum score of 83% on a retest. It is expected that a student may receive a maximum of 2-3 retest opportunities per grading period.
Extra Help: Extra Help: IRP’s Before or after school. This requires a discussion with me first. Coaching requirements may limit after school help. Stay on top of it!