NZ Online ( Presentation to CONZUL/CAUL 4 April 2005 Ainslie Dewe Chair, Library and Information Advisory Commission Ngā Kaiwhakamārama.


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Presentation transcript:

NZ Online ( Presentation to CONZUL/CAUL 4 April 2005 Ainslie Dewe Chair, Library and Information Advisory Commission Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero

NZ Online ( LIAC meeting with the Hon. Marian Hobbs and Hon. David Cunliffe on 14 December 2004 Proposed concept of New Zealand Online Aligned with LIAC vision of Aotearoa – New Zealand: a leading information democracy Draft Digital Strategy provides policy framework for imagining the information society New Zealand libraries are ready and willing to turn the Strategy into reality for all New Zealanders

NZ Online ( LIACs response to the draft Digital Strategy was that it: Agreed with the Vision of the Digital Strategy Welcomed whole of government approach Recognised that the Strategy provided a unique opportunity to incorporate mātauranga Māori into New Zealands digital future Recommended public libraries used to achieve the vision Proposed creation of a new entity, NZ Online, which would support imagination points i.e. projects, which could provide the framework for a world-class, digital infrastructure

What is NZ Online? ( rich and sophisticated information environment which connects individuals and communities links to the 3 Cs of the draft Digital Strategy in which Content, Confidence, and Capability inextricably linked stimulates content creation, provides information access, encourages skills development, and drives policy (e.g. intellectual property rights, content strategy) has technical capability (the nuts and bolts) required for accessing online information) extends the library and information network to community, business and public institutions an intranet for all New Zealanders the knowledge bank of New Zealand

NZ Online ( would ensure that New Zealand Aotearoa was a leader in the development of innovative and practical solutions for the maintenance of the free circulation of information required to safeguard our democratic society

NZ Online ( - a virtual New Zealand for all New NZ information Matauranga Maori, e-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information …linking us with the rest of the world…and the world to New Zealand

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information … a content and collaboration strategy NZ content will be created with the assistance of…

Content and collaboration strategy Required to map the information landscape, identify the gaps and promote digitisation of text, sound and visual content Other elements include the availability of information literacy training online librarians available to help with navigation, searching (e.g. Any questions initiative) standards-based content creation

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information … a contestable fund for content, confidence, connection NZ content will be funded by…

Contestable fund The fund would be available for individuals, groups and businesses to apply for assistance with developing ideas, establishing new enterprises and creating new communities that advance the goals of NZ Online.

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information NZ content will be shared and protected through… …an intellectual property framework

NZ Online ( NZ information including Matauranga Maori NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information Matauranga Maori will be created, shared and protected through… …an intellectual property framework …which acknowledges cultural property

Intellectual property framework Creative commons licences required to encourage the sharing of intellectual property while retaining the creators rights ( ) Issues relating to protection of Matauranga Maori need to be considered

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information Citizens authentication…will provide a NZ intranet with single sign-on

Citizens authentication Different levels of access will be required for different purposes EPIC databases available only to New Zealanders Some Maori information may be restricted to the owners of that information Personal information may be available only to the owner of that information Personal or group (e.g. iwi) profiles could be created to define access.

NZ Online ( the four strands of the knowledge bank of New NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information Citizens authentication log-inIntellectual property framework Content and collaboration strategy Contestable Fund (content, confidence, connection)

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information …will give access to NZ information for all NZers via public libraries

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information …will give access to world information for all NZers via public libraries

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information … will give direct access to NZ information

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information … will give direct access to world information

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, e-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information …allows the world to learn about New Zealand Aotearoa

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information … lets NZers chat, share, create with each other and the world

Summary Success of NZ Online dependent on harnessing skills, energy and vision that already exist within the New Zealand library network Demonstrated through initiatives such as: EPIC database access provision for the whole nation Any questions for schools Matapihi for collaborative digitisation of visual content Information literacy programmes widely available through all types of library Under the umbrella of NZ Online the vision of the Digital Strategy will be realised

NZ Online ( NZ information Matauranga Maori, E-Govt, e- research, e-learning, e-business, etc Public Libraries NZ People NZ environment Rest of the world World information brings the NZ Digital Strategy to life