Eureka Math with TI Nspire and Navigator Tammy Casey Lake Placid High School Lake Placid, NY @tcaseylp
Agenda: Sample Lesson Resources Time to Develop a Lesson Share
Eureka Math Visit: Geometry Module 4 – Lesson 11 Perimeters and Areas of Polynomials Defined by Systems of Inequalities
Eureka Math Visit: Algebra Module 3 – Lesson 9 & 10 Representing, Naming, and Evaluating Functions
Your Turn – Develop a Lesson Algebra – Module 1 – Lesson 1 “Piecewise Functions” Geometry – Module 1 – Lesson 1 “Equilateral Triangles” Algebra 2 – Module 1 – Lesson 2 “Multiplying Polynomials” GOAL: Develop a Eureka Math Lesson that utilizes the TI nspire & Navigator