INNOGLOBAL 2018 - 2 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION EUREKA CLUSTERS INCLUDED (CELTIC-NEXT, EURIPIDES2, EUROGIA2020, ITEA3, METALLURGY EUROPE, PENTA, SMART) TOTAL CDTI FUNDS 7,5 M€ (2nd Call) FUNDING TYPE DIRECT GRANT (% Maximum) Large Company=30%/ Medium=40% / Small=50% LIMITS Minimum Budget €150.000 Maximum Grant €400.000 per company and project Multiannual funding , 12-36 months, starting in 2019 ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS The CDTI International request should be registered before 2018/11/26 The Cluster Label should be granted before 2018/11/26 MOTIVATED REPORT AVAILABLE This grant is not compatible with any other grants to the same project Call period: 2018/11/07 – 2018/12/05 2ND CALL Regulation: Orden de Bases de Liderazgo (Orden ECC/1333/2015, de 2 de julio)