Reading techniques
Skimming Scanning Reading closely Quickly look through a text reading only the introductory paragraph, highlighted sections, headings, summaries and pictures. You aim to pick out key information. Scanning Look quickly for something specific like dates, place or names. You tend to use chapter headings, titles, contents pages to help you. Reading closely Important when reading information such as exam questions. Every word should be read carefully and thought about.
skim, scan or read closely skim, scan or read closely? Skim – getting the main idea Scan – looking for specific information Read Closely – reading every word Reading an essay title Reading a long boring email from your aunt Reading a mobile phone contract Looking up your favourite TV programme Looking at a library book to see if you can use it for a project Find out how much flour is needed for your cupcakes Reading your Controlled Assessment to see how to improve 1) read closely 2) skim 3) read closely 4) scan 5) scan 6) scan 7) scan/Read closely
Now think of 2 more examples for each reading technique Now think of 2 more examples for each reading technique. Try to relate them to your GCSE subjects Skim – getting the main idea Scan – looking for specific information Read Closely – reading every word
Final Advice… It is crucial that you read information and questions carefully If you don’t you could misunderstand the task leading you to answer or choose the wrong exam question, write about the wrong topic or waste valuable time Always take your time, don’t rush Be careful not careless! Refer students to Letts Study Guide pages 30-35