The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology REPLICATION
Development of multicellular organisms All body cells are descended from a single fertilized egg cell by DNA replication and mitosis
Totipotency Totipotency has now been demonstrated in adult mammals with the cloning of Dolly the sheep
Patterns of gene expression 35,000 human genes, but only 20,000 are expressed in any one cell type Patterns of gene expression are most frequently regulated at the level of transcription
Gene structure coding sequence promoter terminator
What is required for transcription? ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP RNA polymerase DNA template
The mechanics of transcription Template-dependent Antiparallel Complementary
Regulation of transcription: the lac operon Lactose Glucose + Galactose
Inhibitors of transcription a-amanitin (Amanita virosa) How long will it take to die?