The Cold War 1946-1960 (-1991)
Essential Question: What caused the Cold War? Who was to blame? Make sure you write down all the dates on your cornell notes.
Yalta Feb. 45 Churchill Roosevelt Stalin Decide fate of Germany & occupied Eastern Europe
Apr. 45 FDR dies Harry Truman Becomes President
Potsdam July 45 Truman, Stalin, Churchill Treaty drafts War Crimes Germany divided into zones of occupation—U.S., Britain, France, USSR Truman/Stalin distrust
Hiroshima & Nagasaki Aug. 6 & 9, 45 How did the Atom bomb change everything?
The Iron Curtain March 1946 Winston Churchill ‘s speech Fulton, Missouri Recognition of reality of Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe Warning of dangers of Spread of Communism
1947 Truman Doctrine Response to Greek Civil War & Communist Activity in Turkey Promised U.S. support for Anti-Communist forces Greek Communist withdrew to Yugoslavia
Containment 1947 George Kennan Soviet Union would threaten its neighbors as long as there was a power vacuum Use counterforce to stop spread of Communism
Start of Red Scare 1947 HUAC: House Un-American Activities Committee began to investigate Federal government Hollywood 10 Universities Creation of CIA
1948 The Marshall Plan 12 billion in aid to build & stabilize Europe
Feb. 1948 Prague Coup
Soviet Union tries to force allies out of West Berlin by closing Roads & RR U.S. response to airlift all supplies Berlin Airlift 1948- 1949
NATO & The Marshall Plan 47-49 NATO & The Marshall Plan
Communist Revolution in China 49 Communist Revolution in China Mao Tse Dung
The Threat of Nuclear War-- Russia develops the atom bomb 49 The Threat of Nuclear War-- Russia develops the atom bomb
The Rosenbergs David Greenglass, Ethel’s brother
49-54 The Red Scare: McCarthyism HUAC Hollywood 10
Korean War 50-53 Limited Warfare
Truman fired MacArthur—wanted to invade China
H-Bomb - 450 times more powerful then Hiroshima!
Second H-Bomb 1000 times more powerful than Hiroshima
53 Eisenhower’s Cold War >Hydrogen Bomb >Death of Stalin >brinkmanship >John Foster Dulles
Massive Retaliation/Brinkmanship John Foster Dulles “The ability to get to the verge without getting into war is a necessary art.” Build up of Civil Defense Activities
How to survive a nuclear attack in war & at home?
Khrushchev Attacked Stalin 1956 False Hope of freedom Poznan Revolt & Massacre 1956 Khrushchev
Hungarian Revolt 1956 Eastern Europe Rebels against Communism Soviet Invasions put down revolts NATO stayed out
57 Space Race: Sputnik
1957 Sputnik Laika Yuri Gagarin Space Race
1960 U2 Spy Incident American Pilot Gary Powers tried as Spy by Russians
Effects of the Cold War Hostility between U.S. & Russia Hot Wars: Korea & Vietnam Fight to Spread Communism v. Democracy Possibility of Extinction of Mankind Military-Industrial Complex Red Scare Nuclear Fear & Paranoia