Classical China 600BCE –600 CE
Belief Systems Zhou Period (Western & Eastern) Warring States Period Creative Period 100 Schools of Thought Confucianism Legalism Daoism
What do the three Belief Systems have in Common? Religion or Philosophy? Goal: Search for order A political treaties of sorts Founders were contemporaries of one another No discussion of Gods Not a search for salvation - afterlife Deals with life here – and – now!
Points of Difference Founder’s view of… Nature of Man Role of Government Proper function of Government “Ideal man” Impact on classical China and its people
Founder Confucianism Legalism Confucius Han Feizi Analects Teacher Scholar Legalism Han Feizi Originally Confucian trained Writings influenced Shi Huangdi (Qin) Daoism Lao Zi The Way
Man: Nature & Propriety Legalism Essentially bad Praise the right Blame the wrong Do not fawn on the noble Confucianism Essentially good Education necessary Filial piety Virtue Good example 5 Relationships Daoism Essentially good Renounce learning Humility Go with flow
Government: Role & Function Legalism “The two handles” Chastisement & commendation Death/torture- severe penalty Rewards Confucianism Lead by virtue Uniformity Filial and kind leadership Advance the good Teach the incompetent Daoism Freedom from action “I will do nothing, and people will be transformed”
What connections can you make to Hinduism and Buddhism? Proper Behavior What would Confucianists/Legalists consider to be their dharma? Connection to Government What Indian Empires/Rulers would be natural Confucianists? Legalists?
Impact on Classical China Confucianism Han Dynasty State Philosophy Benefits? Drawbacks? Legalism Qin ShiHuangdi – first emperor of China Benefits? Drawbacks? Daoism Government? Popular religion The Arts Private Lives