Ionic bonding
Learning goals We are learning why and how ionic bonds form. We are learning to draw ionic bonding using Lewis diagrams. We are learning to name ionic compounds.
Ionic Bonds Attraction between positive and negative ions Large number of ions join together. Always have a net charge of zero.
Ionic bonds Involves a transferring of electrons: Metals lose electron(s) to gain a full octet. Non-Metals gain electron(s) to gain a full octet. The ions are then held together electrostatically. Law of electric charges: Like charges repel Unlike charges attract
Properties of ionic bonds Due to strong bonds: Hard Brittle High melting points Some are soluble in water, but not alcohol Dissolved ionic compounds conduct electricity and are called electrolytes
Binary compounds Involve only two types of atoms One metal and one non-metal Naming Name the cation first and anion second with an ‘ide’ ending sodium chloride lithium sulfide
Learning goals We are learning why and how ionic bonds form. We are learning to draw ionic bonding using Lewis diagrams. We are learning to name ionic compounds.
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