Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class The Atmosphere Meteorology Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom A+
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class The Atmosphere A layer of gas that surrounds Earth. Created long ago by volcanic eruptions. Held around Earth by gravity. Regulates Earth’s temperature. Gravity hold air around Earth A+ Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class The Early Atmosphere Much different than our atmosphere today. Not suitable for life: No Oxygen to breathe and no Ozone to protect from sun’s rays. Lots of Carbon Dioxide Very little Oxygen Early Atmosphere Lots of Oxygen More suitable for Current Atmosphere Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Eventually, organisms called Cyanobacteria started making Oxygen photosynthetically. That oxygen was used to create Ozone. Ozone blocked harmful rays from the sun allowing plants to survive on Earth’s surface. Plants produce Oxygen allowing you and I to live and breathe on Earth. The Process Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Composition of the Atmosphere The most abundant gasses in our atmosphere are: Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon Dioxide The atmosphere also contains some solids and liquids: Dust Acids Ash Salt Water Vapor Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Layers of the Atmosphere Atmosphere is divided into different layers based on temperature. Temperature changes as you go up. Sometimes it INCREASES Sometimes it DECREASES Sometimes it STAYS THE SAME There are 5 layers to our atmosphere, each with different characteristics: 1. Troposphere 2. Stratosphere 3. Mesosphere 4. Thermosphere 5. Exosphere Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Layers of the Atmosphere Thermosphere Temperature INCREASES High temperatures Thin air. Feels cold. Mesosphere Temperature DECREASES Stratosphere Temperature INCREASES Contains ozone O3 absorbs bad rays Absorption = Warm Troposphere Temperature DECREASES. Weather occurs here. ATMOSPHERE Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom
Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Air Pressure Air pressure is the weight of air pushing down from above. As you go up, pressure DECREASES. Air pressure makes air near Earth’s surface DENSE. Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom