LAP Reporting 2016-17 School year CEDARS File Q End of Year Report in EDS Beginning in the 2016-17 school year, districts will report LAP Student Growth data into CEDARS rather than hand enter the data into the LAP application in EDS. The purpose of this webinar is to provide a brief overview of CEDARS, the content and structure of LAP File Q, and the LAP End of Year report in EDS.
Agenda General Collection Requirements & Guidance Student Information Systems (SIS) CEDARS File Q: Learning Assistance Program Student Growth File Q and the LAP Application in EDS Trouble Shooting Reporting Errors End of Year Reporting in the LAP Application in EDS Academic Growth & Progress Monitoring Graduation Assistance Professional Learning Family Engagement Readiness to Learn (RTL) Fund Distribution My name is Jordyn Green, and I am data analyst in the Student Information office. I am joined by Fatima Morris, from Customer Support.
General Collection Requirements & Guidance
There are three primary parts of LAP reporting: There are three primary parts of LAP reporting: Program enrollment—what students are served in what programs and when they are served. This information is reported in districts’ Student Information Systems and will be verified in the LAP application in EDS. Assessment & Academic Growth—This is the supplemental assessment and intervention data reported at the student level for students enrolled in ELA, Math, Academic Readiness, or Behavior. Historically, data was reported in EDS, but beginning in the current school year, this data will be reported in districts’ Student Information Systems and will be verified in the LAP application in EDS. Finally, LAP Allowable Services—this is additional data on LAP funded activities including Professional Learning or Graduation Assistance. This data is reported into EDS at the school or district level. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
FYI, the LAP Data Reporting webpage is aligned to the three primary parts of LAP reporting. If you have questions or need guidance for one section, select the corresponding icon…
And all of our guidance appears And all of our guidance appears! Please familiarize yourselves with the resources available on these pages.
Student Information Systems (SIS) CEDARS The relationship between districts’ student information systems and CEDARS. This is pertinent for enrollment and assessment and academic growth portions of reporting. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Comprehensive Education Data and Research System CEDARS Comprehensive Education Data and Research System CEDARS is a longitudinal data system managed by OSPI to collect, store, and report data related to students, courses, and teachers in order to meet state and federal reporting requirements and to help educators and policy makers make data-driven decisions. Course data includes standardized state course codes. Student data includes demographics, enrollment information, schedules, grades, and program participation. Teacher data includes demographics, certifications, and schedules. CEDARS is a longitudinal data system managed by OSPI to collect, store, and report data related to students, courses, and teachers in order to meet state and federal reporting requirements, and to help educators and policy makers make data-driven decisions. Course data includes standardized state course codes. Student data includes demographics, enrollment information, schedules, grades, and program participation. Teacher data includes demographics, certifications, and schedules.
CEDARS Submission Data is input into District’s Student Information System District/Vendor Create CEDARS Extract CEDARS Submission (16 Files) (aligned to CEDARS Manual) Submission is sent to OSPI via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Submission is Processed & Uploaded into CEDARS Database LAP Data is populated into the LAP application in EDS CEDARS data submission is a 5 step process: First, data is input by school and district staff into the district’s Student Information System. Student Information Systems used in the state of WA include Skyward and Power School. The Student Information System vendor or the district will create an extract that will pull the appropriate data in the appropriate format from the Student Information System. The extracted data will be formatted into 16 files that are aligned to the specifications listed in the CEDARS Manual. The 16 files are then sent to OSPI via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). The submission is then processed and validated, and uploaded into the CEDARS database. Finally, LAP data is populated into the LAP application in EDS.
CEDARS Submission Location File (A) District Student File (B) School Student File (C) Course Catalog File (D) Student Schedule File (E) Staff File (F) Staff Schedule File (G) Student Grade History File (H) Student Programs File (I) Student Limited English Proficiency File (J) Student Special Education Programs File (K) Ethnicity File (L) Race File (M) Student Absence File (N) Student Discipline File (P) Learning Assistance Program Student Growth File (Q) This file contains the record(s) for each served student’s enrollment occurrences in the district during the current school year. This file consists of a record(s) for student enrollment data associated with each entry and exit for every school that served the student within the current school year. This file contains information for students participating in/receiving services from specific programs, eligibility for Free/Reduced Meal participation, and individual student attributes. This file captures information regarding the amount of academic growth gained by students participating in the LAP. There are sixteen 16 files that are sent when a district submits data. Each file is made up of data elements pertaining to students, staff, courses and locations. LAP enrollment data is drawn from elements from four CEDARS files: X District Student File (B) contains the record(s) for each served student’s enrollment occurrences in the district during the current school year. In other words, who is enrolled in what districts. School Student File (C) consists of a record(s) for student enrollment associated with each entry and exit for every school that served the student within the current school year. In other words, who is enrolled in what schools. Student Programs File (I) contains information for students participating in and receiving services from specific programs, eligibility for Free/Reduced Meal participation and individual student attributes. In other words, what students were served in special programs. Lastly, LAP Student Growth File (Q) captures information regarding the amount of academic growth gained by students participating in the LAP. All students in the state of Washington will have records in Files B & C as these are the school and district enrollment files. All LAP students will have records in File I as this is the program enrollment file, and all LAP English Language Arts, Math, Academic Readiness, and Behavior students will have records in File Q.
Student Attributes & Programs File (I) I01. School Year I02. Serving County District Code I03. District Student ID I04. SSID I05. Location ID I06. Attribute or Program Code I07. Start Date I08. Exit Date I09. Exit Reason Code Location & Matching Elements Program Code & Start Date will also be reported in File (Q) if the student is reported in: 37 – LAP English Language Arts 6 – LAP Math 7 – LAP Academic Readiness 38 – LAP Behavior Program Program Enrollment Information File (I) Student Attributes and Programs consists of 9 elements: X Elements I01 through I05 are elements used to identify the location of student enrollment and are used to match student records across CEDARS files. Element I06 Attribute or Program Code identifies the special programs that the student was served in. And elements I07 through I09 provide details on the time frame that the student was enrolled in the program. Elements I06 and I07 will also be reported in File (Q) if the student was served in LAP English Language Arts, LAP Math, LAP Academic Readiness, or LAP Behavior.
Learning Assistance Program Student Growth File (Q) I will now walk through each element reported in File (Q). Please note that at the bottom of each slide, I have included an example excel document to provide a visual of the appropriate file structure. X File (Q) captures information regarding the academic growth gained by students participating in LAP. Districts are required to report to OSPI the amount of academic growth gained by students participating in LAP English Language Arts, LAP Math, LAP Academic Readiness, and LAP Behavior. Districts are also required to report entrance and exit assessment data as well as the services used to support LAP students. There should be one record per student per LAP enrollment for the current school year. For example, if a student enters, exits, and re-enters a program, there will be two records reflecting two separate enrollments in the program. If a student is participating in or received services for more than one program, there should be a record for each program. As discussed earlier, students reported in this file must also be reported in District Student File (B) and School Student File (C), as well as Student Attributes and Programs File (I). Students will be included in File (Q) if they are reported in File (I) with a valid value of 6, 7, 37, or 38. File (Q) submission is optional prior to the end of the school year; however, the data submitted in File (Q) will be used to populate the LAP application in EDS, which is due to OSPI on July 1st. Data in File Q must be completed and accurate prior to this date.
School Year Element used for: School Year Classification The first element in File (Q) is School Year. The description for this element is: The four–digit year in which the school year ends. Report ‘2017’ for the 2016-17 school year. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q).
Serving County District Code Element used for: Location Identification Matching to Files (B) and (C) The second element is Serving County District Code. The description for this element is: The serving county district code for the district submitting the data. This is the unique 5–digit number that combines the 2–digit county code and the 3–digit district code. Serving County District Code must be a valid value from the County District Codes in Appendix A. It will appear as a numeric value. Report the code representing the district as assigned by OSPI in Appendix A of the CEDARS Manual. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q).
District Student ID Element used for: Matching Student Identification The third element is District Student ID. The description for this element is: This is the student identifier assigned by the district to the student. This data element is used in the matching of district data with records in CEDARS. The value is unique within the school district. The value can be any combination of alpha and/or numeric values up to fifty characters in length. This ID should follow the student throughout their enrollment within the district and should not be reassigned to another student. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q).
State Student ID (SSID) Element used for: Matching Student Identification The fourth element is State Student ID (SSID). The description for this element is: Randomly generated number that functions as a unique student identifier for each Washington public school student. This number is assigned by OSPI. SSID values must be exactly 10 digits in length and only contain numeric values. SSID numbers must not begin with a zero. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q).
Location ID Element used for: Location Identification Matching to Files (B) and (C) The fifth element is Location ID. The description for this element is: The Location ID for the school as generated by the District’s Student Information System (SIS). The Location ID reported should be the school the student is enrolled in at the time of LAP enrollment. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q). These five elements link data submitted in various files throughout CEDARS to create the student’s longitudinal record.
Program Code Element used for: Matching to File (I) Record The sixth element is Program Code. The description for this element is: If the student received services in LAP English Language Arts, LAP Math, LAP Academic Readiness, or LAP Behavior at any point during the current school year, then include a record for that student in this file at the school where the student received services. The student should also be reported in Student Attribute and Programs File (I). This element is a required field when submitting File (Q) as students must be enrolled in LAP and reported in File (I). X The valid values for this field correspond to the allowable values for element I06 Attribute or Program Code for the Learning Assistance program. These values are 37 LAP English Language Arts, 6 LAP Math, 7 LAP Academic Readiness, and 38 LAP Behavior.
Start Date Element used for: Matching to File (I) Record The seventh element is Start Date. The description for this element is: The date the student begins receiving services. This date must be equal to the date contained in Element I07 – Start Date. If the student exits and returns to a specific program one or more times within the current school year, all of the entry dates must be reported (requires multiple entries for the student). If the student exits and then returns, the date the student returned to the program becomes the start date for the new record. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q) as students must be enrolled in LAP and reported in File (I). Date should be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
Identification Assessment Validation: Assessment type must match program type (e.g., STAR Math = LAP Math; STAR Math LAP ELA) The eighth element is Identification Assessment. The description for this element is: LAP requires multiple measures of performance to determine student eligibility (RCW 28A.165.015). The assessment identified is the measure that most heavily influences identification of student eligibility for LAP services. This element is a required field when submitting File (Q) as students should not be enrolled in the LAP without first being identified using a valid and reliable assessment. The valid values range from 1 to 40 and align with the available fields on the dropdown menu in the LAP application. If the assessment used by your district is NOT on this list, please contact me and let me know, and I will have it added as an allowable field in the 2017-18 manual.
Amount of Academic Growth Trigger Variable: Academic Growth is an optional field when submitting File Q; however, if a value is provided for Element Q09, data is required for all remaining elements. The ninth element is Amount of Academic Growth. The description for this element is: Districts are required to report to OSPI the amount of academic growth gained by students participating in LAP. Determine a formula for converting assessment data to months of growth and be consistent in applying that formula to every student. 10 months of growth is equivalent to one academic year. Months of growth should reflect growth during the LAP enrollment period only (i.e., if a student is enrolled in LAP for less than 10 months, reported growth should not reflect the student's growth for the full academic year—only the time served in LAP). Growth should be based on the progress monitoring assessments. On the LAP Data & Reporting webpage, we have recommended conversions for a our more popular assessments. Please contact your own assessment vendor and request a suggested conversion. If they have one, please forward along to me. In File (Q), this element is considered a trigger variable, meaning that Academic Growth is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided for Element Q09, data is required for the remaining elements, which are the assessment and intervention fields. The valid values range from -1 to 27 and align with the available fields on the dropdown menu in the LAP application.
Progress Monitoring Assessment Validation: Assessment type must match program type (e.g., STAR Math = LAP Math; STAR Math LAP ELA) The tenth element is Progress Monitoring Assessment. The description for this element is: The assessment that is used to monitor student progress. A pre-test and post-test score should be available. (This may or may not be the same assessment used in identification of eligibility). This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. The valid values range from 1 to 41 and align with the available fields on the dropdown menu in the LAP application. Again, if the assessment used by your district is NOT on this list, please contact me and let me know, and I will have it added as an allowable field in the 2017-18 manual.
Beginning Score The eleventh element is Beginning Score. The description for this element is: This should be the raw score or scale score from the progress monitoring assessment. Report the scale score rather than the raw score unless a scale score is not available. A Raw Score is the number of items correct. A Scale Score takes the raw scores earned on different test forms and place those raw scores on a converted scale to adjust for different difficulties of forms of the assessment. The statistical properties of scale scores can be used for longitudinal tracking of students’ progress. Scale scores can also be used to make direct comparisons among schools and districts using the same assessment. An RIT (Rasch Unit) Score is a type of scale score that is calibrated according to the difficulty of each item. This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. If the student’s growth score is Not Applicable (valid values 22-27), Beginning Score is not a required field. This is the same validation as the LAP application.
Date of Beginning Score Validation: Must be before Q14 (Date of End Score) The twelfth element is Date of Beginning Score. The description for this element is: This is the date that the initial progress monitoring assessment was given. This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. If the student’s growth score is Not Applicable (valid values 22-27), Date of Beginning Score is not a required field. This is the same validation as the LAP application. The date should be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
End Score The thirteenth element is End Score. The description for this element is the same as Element Q11 Beginning Score which requires a raw or scale score. This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. If the student’s growth score is Not Applicable (valid values 22-27), End Score is not a required field. This is the same validation as the LAP application.
Date of End Score Validation: Must be after Q12 (Date of Beginning Score) The fourteenth element is Date of End Score. The description for this element is: This is the date that the final progress monitoring assessment was given. This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. If the student’s growth score is Not Applicable (valid values 22-27), Date of End Score is not a required field. This is the same validation as the LAP application. The date should be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
Assessment and Amount of Academic Growth I am going to take a moment to review the resources that we have available online.
Extended Learning Time Intervention Validation: At least one intervention must be identified between Q15 & Q16 for a student to be served in LAP. The fifteenth element is Extended Learning Time Intervention. The description for this element is: Extended day learning occurs outside the required basic education allotted time period and can include before-school hours, after-school hours, on Saturdays, and during the summer. For students who receive multiple extended learning time interventions, please select the primary intervention. Before/After School Instruction is a structured learning environment; instruction is provided by a trained professional. Homework Club is a loosely structured environment where students work independently or in small groups on academic assignments; an educator may provide supervision and/or offer assistance as needed. Book Programs are structured programs where students are assigned books to read outside of school hours. Guiding questions or other assignments may accompany the text. If parents are trained to work with their child on reading strategies, please also record this as “parent involvement outside of school” on the parent involvement tab. Computer-Based or Online Programs are online or computer programs assigned to LAP students to complete at home or on campus outside of regular school hours. For example, students may be assigned a login to an online academic program to complete at home. If parents are trained to work with their child on this program, please also record this as “parent involvement outside of school” on the parent involvement tab. Saturday Programs are structured learning occurring on Saturdays; instruction is provided by a trained professional. This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. The valid values for this element are aligned with the available fields on the dropdown menu in the LAP application.
Tutoring Intervention Validation: At least one intervention must be identified between Q15 & Q16 for a student to be served in LAP. The sixteenth element is Tutoring Intervention. The description for this element is: Tutoring includes any interaction with a trained adult or peer using an intervention program or practice that addresses students’ unique academic needs during the regular school day. Tutoring may be implemented through a push-out or push-in model. Tutoring may serve students one-on-one, in small groups, or in a classroom setting. For students who receive multiple tutoring interventions, please select the primary intervention. For services outside of the regular school day, please select from the Extended Learning Time options. Double Dosing is a second period of instruction during the school day. This model is more common at the secondary level where students are enrolled in an additional full-length period of academic instruction. Intervention Specialist may be the “LAP teacher” or other certificated teacher who only works with LAP students during the day who are pulled out from the general education classroom. Trained Teacher is a core general education teacher who may work with LAP students on a limited basis or through a double dose of instruction during the school day. This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. The valid values for this element are aligned with the available fields on the dropdown menu in the LAP application.
Student Met Learning Goal (read as: Student at Grade Level Standard) The seventeenth element is Student Met Learning Goal. The description for this element is: Based on assessment(s) and/or progress monitoring, it was determined that the student no longer needed supplemental education services to meet standard in the general education classroom. The student is eligible to exit LAP (but does not necessarily need to be exited from CEDARS). This element is an optional field when submitting File (Q); however, if a value is provided in element Q09 Amount of Academic Growth, data is required for this field. If the student’s growth score is Not Applicable (valid values 22-27) Student Met Learning Goal is not a required field. This is the same validation as the LAP application. The valid values for this element are Y for Yes and N for No.
File Q Reporting Validations Q11 – Beginning Score Q12 – Beginning Score Date Q13 – End Score Q14 – End Score Date Q17 – Student Met Learning Goal File wide validations. If Not Applicable is reported for amount of academic growth, districts are not required to report beginning score, date of beginning score, end score, date of end score, or student met learning goal.
Questions? We plan on opening the LAP application for 2016-2017 reporting tomorrow, Friday March 10. Once it’s available, we will send out a notice to CEDARS District Administrators and LAP Users.
How the Data Looks in CEDARS Last year in the LAP application, some of the data on the Student List was pre-populated from CEDARS, and users had to hand enter in the rest. We are happy to report that this year, all data on the Student List will be pre-populated from CEDARS! No more hand entry will be required on this page. Users with certain access to CEDARS are able to view the same data populating the Student List in LAP in CEDARS.
Gaining Access to CEDARS Contact your District Data Security Manager (DDSM) for access. Full descriptions of each role and the access it gives a user can be found in the EDS User Role Matrix found here: User Roles that give access to the application: CEDARS District Administrator CEDARS District User CEDARS Report Viewer CEDARS School Administrator If you need access to CEDARS, you will need to contact your District Data Security Manager (DDSM) to have the appropriate role assigned to your EDS account. For a list of available CEDARS role and what they give access to, see the EDS User Role Matrix found on our public K12 website ( The roles listed on this slide give access to one or both of the CEDARS tabs we will be discussing. If you unable to have a CEDARS role assigned to your account, contact your CEDARS District Administrator for assistance with your CEDARS data. They are listed in the LAP application on the Home tab. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Students tab Once in CEDARS, to view a student’s LAP data, click on the Students tab. Here you can search for a student by SSID, name, etc. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Students Tab After selecting the student you want to review, you will be taken to the Student’s record in CEDARS. To view LAP data, click on Attributes and Programs. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Attributes and Programs This page shows the Attributes and Programs a student is currently reported with. LAP Student Growth falls under Student Programs. The initial view shows you the data submitted in CEDARS File I: Student Programs which includes School, Program, Start Date, and Exit Date. Then there is a column for Student Growth Data. If you have submitted Student Growth Data in CEDARS File Q, you will see a plus button under Student Growth Data. To view the data, click the Plus (+) button. Doing this will show the identification, Progress Monitoring, Entrance Score, Entrance Score Date, Exit Score, Exit Score Date, Extended Learning Time, Tutoring, and whether the student Met Learning Goal. Again, these are all values submitted through File Q. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
How the Data Looks in the LAP Application
Accessing the LAP Application in EDS Let’s first discuss gaining access to the LAP application.
Accessing the LAP Application in EDS Log on to EDS (Education Data System).
Accessing the LAP Application in EDS Select ‘Learning Assistance Program’ If the application is not appearing on your application list, you will need to contact your District Security Manager. When you contact your District Security Manager, you will ask for the ‘LAP User Role’.
CEDARS Submission Data is input into District’s Student Information System District/Vendor Create CEDARS Extract CEDARS Submission (16 Files) (aligned to CEDARS Manual) Submission is sent to OSPI via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Submission is Processed & Uploaded into CEDARS Database LAP Data is populated into the LAP application in EDS As a reminder, LAP data is submitted into your SIS, extracted and sent to CEDARS. The data is then populated into the LAP application in EDS.
Student List Business Rules Students will populate the list if they are identified with: A 2016-2017 CEDARS District Student (File B) School Student (File C) enrollment record (regardless of primary flag) A grade level of K1/K2 through 12 A Program and Attributes (File I) record for: LAP English Language Arts (37) LAP Math (6) LAP K-2 Academic Readiness (7) LAP Behavior (38) Each record represents a period of time that a student was served in a LAP program within a school. A student will have a record for each program code reported and for each enrollment segment. This may result in multiple enrollment records for a student. Students will only appear on the student list if they are enrolled in LAP for a minimum of 14 consecutive days, including weekends and holidays but excluding the Start Date (CEDARS element I07) and Exit Date (CEDARS element I08). For example, if a student has a LAP Start Date of September 1 and an Exit Date of September 14, which is only 12 days when you exclude the Start and Exit Date. September 1-16 is 14 days in program. Academic and growth data will not be required for students enrolled in LAP Graduation Assistance (11) or LAP Readiness to Learn (RTL; 39).
Student List Directions Verify the accuracy of the student-level data pre-populated from CEDARS data. If any data is incorrect, verify the data in your Student Information System (SIS). If the data in your SIS is incorrect, update the data and submit to CEDARS. If the data in your SIS is correct, check with your CEDARS District Administrator. Their contact information can be found on the LAP Home tab. It’s possible the correct data has not yet been sent to CEDARS or has errors in CEDARS. Once all records are Complete in a school, click the Mark Complete button to verify your data is correct.
Troubleshooting There are many reasons why a student may not show in LAP, or shows with incorrect information. The first place to check is how the student is being reported to CEDARS. We have discussed how to view a student’s current data in CEDARS using the Students tab. If a student’s data is correct in the Students tab in CEDARS but not in LAP, please contact OSPI Customer Support. If the data is incorrect in LAP and the Students tab in CEDARS but correct in your Student Information System, the next place to check is the Submission dashboard and submission exceptions.
Submission Dashboard For users who have access to the Submissions tab in CEDARS: The Submission Dashboard will tell you when a submission was submitted to CEDARS and the status of the submission. The Date Submitted is self explanatory, it’s the date the submission was sent to CEDARS. The Submission Status is a little more complicated. “Submission submitted” means a file has been sent to CEDARS, but hasn’t yet loaded or processed into CEDARS. “Submission processed” means the file has been loaded or processed into the system. The data submitted is now in CEDARS, excluding records that are submission exceptions. These two pieces of information are important because timing is everything. If someone in your district changed data in your Student Information System (SIS) yesterday for a LAP student, but that data hasn’t been processed into CEDARS, the change won’t be made in LAP. This has been the answer to many questions of, why isn’t my data updated in LAP? It’s because the corrected data hasn’t loaded into the system yet. The next thing you want to check are submission exceptions. If a student is not populating in the LAP application at all or is not displaying correctly, check to see if the student is stuck in a submission exception. Submission exceptions can stop a student from loading into CEDARS and therefore the LAP application. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
CEDARS data and CEDARS submission exceptions are based on a File Hierarchy. Almost every CEDARS file is dependent on data from another file in order for us to accept it and understand it. For example, the records reported in Student Schedule File E are dependent on the records in Course Catalog File D. We cannot accept records in Student Schedule File E about students taking a course in Math 101 if the Course Catalog File D record for Math 101 has errors. For LAP specifically, errors in the following CEDARS Files can all keep a student from loading into CEDARS, and therefor will not load into the LAP application: Location (File A), District Student (File B), School Student (File C), Student Programs (File I), Student Ethnicity (File L), Student Race (File M), and LAP Student Growth (File Q). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Submission Exceptions A submission exception is triggered when: Data formats are incorrect Required data elements are missing Data reported does not align with the business rules outlined in the CEDARS Data Manual for each data element. There are a few different ways to view submission exceptions. You can click the Download button and download all of your submission exceptions into an excel document. Each CEDARS file with their associated exceptions will display on it’s own tab. This is particularly helpful if you have many exceptions and you are solely looking for one student. You can search the entire document for one SSID and find every exception associated with that student. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Submission Exceptions You can also view the exceptions in CEDARS. Click on the File you would like to view the exceptions for. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Submission Exceptions The submission exceptions will then display down below the table, and how many records have those errors. You can view each submission exception individually or view all of the errors for that file. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Submission Exceptions Either option will take you to a new page to view the submission exceptions and the data sent in the user interface. You can also download the exceptions in excel, text or pdf format. If you find a submission exception that is keeping the student from populating into the LAP application, the reason for the exception needs to be corrected in your Student Information System (SIS) and a submission to CEDARS needs to be done. Once the submission loads into CEDARS, the changed data will then show in the Students tab in CEDARS and in LAP. If you need help with a submission exception, we are here for you! Some are pretty technically and we can help understand what the message is really saying. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Questions? We plan on opening the LAP application for 2016-2017 reporting tomorrow, Friday March 10. Once it’s available, we will send out a notice to CEDARS District Administrators and LAP Users.
LAP Allowable Services There are many reasons why a student may not show in LAP, or shows with incorrect information. The first place to check is how the student is being reported to CEDARS. The previous slides outlined how to view a student’s data in CEDARS using the Students tab. If a student’s data is correct in the Students tab in CEDARS but not in LAP, please contact OSPI Customer Support. If the data is incorrect in the Students tab in CEDARS but correct in your Student Information System, the next place to check is the Submission dashboard and submission exceptions. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/20/2018
Allowable Services – Resources
Academic Growth & Progress Monitoring 1 Describe how you use student data to identify students for LAP services and determine which services are appropriate. 2 Describe how you use student data to monitor progress. How often do you formally review student progress? 3 Describe how you use student data to determine whether students are ready to exit LAP services. 4 Describe the method used to convert assessment scores to months of growth. 5 Describe how you are reviewing the effectiveness of your curriculum/interventions periodically throughout the year. (For example: If you observe that a group of students receiving the same intervention are not progressing as expected, how are you determining whether the intervention itself is not effective, or if it is not being implemented with fidelity?) 6 Based on your review of program effectiveness of your curriculum/interventions, describe the modifications, adjustments, or major changes that are being implemented for the next school year. Do you have a schoolwide systematic behavior program in place regardless of funding source? Is your schoolwide systematic behavior program partially or fully funded through LAP?
Graduation Assistance
Professional Learning
Family Engagement
Readiness to Learn
LAP Expenditures
Title I Part A
LAP Guidance/User Guide We plan on opening the LAP application for 2016-2017 reporting tomorrow, Friday March 10. Once it’s available, we will send out a notice to CEDARS District Administrators and LAP Users.
Jordyn Green, Data Analyst (360) 725-6317 Customer Support (360) 725-6371/1-800-725-4311 LAP Office (360) 725-6101 OSPI in combination with districts around the state will be working to create guidance to aid in the transition from reporting in EDS to CEDARS. In the meantime, please feel free to contact OSPI with questions. Thank you for your time.