Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was born 356 BC He is Macedonian His father (Philip) dreamed of conquering Greece First conquered Athens and Thebes (338 BC) Then conquered the rest of Greece Then wanted to conquer Persia Was assassinated at his daughter’s wedding
Alexander took over at the age of 20 Continued conquering lands all the way to India Died suddenly in 326 BC
Spread Greek culture Legacy Greek temples, statues etc. were built across Alexander’s empire Local people absorbed Greek ideas, and Greek settlers adopted local customs Resulted in a blending of east and west Legacy
In the Hellenistic world women were no longer restricted to the home More women learned to read/write Royal women held more power Women
Science/Math Pythagoras developed Euclid wrote The Elements heliocentric (sun centered) theory of the universe first proposed Hippocrates studied illnesses and looked for cures Science/Math