Equality Diversity and Rights for Health and Social Care Welcome back!
You have 10 seconds to name… 5 types of weather
Lesson Objectives To define anti discriminatory practice. To identify settings in which anti-discriminatory practice is essential. To discuss discriminatory practice and to identify own responses to situations. To explain rights relating to health and social care and basic human rights. To identify key pieces of legislation and discrimination as defined in law.
What is anti-discriminatory practice? A way of combating discrimination in the health and social care sector Relates to the protected characteristics It takes into account how we behave towards other individuals. All employees in a care setting should promote this practice in the workplace as it is essential to eliminating prejudice and promoting equality of opportunity It is taking action to prevent discrimination on any grounds within a setting
What is happening in this picture What is happening in this picture? Racist Attack on Indian Student in Australia
What would you do? What’s happening? What would YOU do if you were there? Are you: a) discriminatory b) non-discriminatory c) anti-discriminatory
You have 10 seconds to name… 5 things linked with winter
Individual Rights Respect Equal treatment No discrimination Individualised treatment Dignity Privacy Protection from danger and harm Access to information Communication Having needs met Choice and preferences
The Equality and Human Rights Commission We have a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect, enforce and promote equality across the nine "protected" grounds - age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment
What are Human Rights We are all born free Every person in the world has basic rights and freedoms. These are based on core principles like dignity, equality and respect. They are relevant to everyone’s life and protect your freedom to control your own life, take part in decisions made by public authorities and get fair services from public authorities. EHRC (no date)
Why do you think that you need to know all of the laws we ask you to know about? Reflect on your thoughts about having to know these laws and regulations and discuss these with the person next to you! Why do you think that, in Health and Social Care, we need to know about, and incorporate all of these different pieces of law into our work life?
Discrimination Quiz True Or False?
Homework! Who was Stephen Lawrence? Why is he important in British History and Law? What happened to him? (and when) Which organisation was labelled institutionally racist as a result of it? What has happened since.
How might you use what you have learnt today?
References EHRC (no date) [online] available from http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/human- rights/what-are-human-rights/ [accessed on 03.01.13]