The Feminist Movement
Origins of Feminist Movement 1920: women’s suffrage (19th Amendment) Post-WWII: “housewife” stereotype expressed ideas of male dependency, disinterest in politics, obedient, etc. Emergence of a 1960’s counter-culture
Origins of Feminist Movement 1963: Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique The “perfect family” image did not reflect happiness and was degrading for women; objected the mainstream image of women at home because it limited their opportunities, talent and potential.
Origins of Feminist Movement 1963: Gloria Steinem wrote A Bunny’s Tale Challenged male chauvinism and stereotypical women’s roles (especially sexual constructs) By 1968, she was most influential figure in movement and spearheaded the legalization of abortion and free daycares (2 main objectives of movement)
Origins of Feminism: NOW National Organization for Women (NOW): formed in 1966 by Betty Friedan and other women (she became first president) Organization led movement throughout 1970’s program to help older divorced/widowed women become eligible for Social Security benefits, gain alimony and train/education for the labor force
Goals of Feminist Movement Legalize abortion Maternity rights - free daycares & leave End gender discrimination in employment, education, banking, housing, etc. Enact legal protection for domestic violence & rape End male chauvinism and increase respect for women overall
Achievements in Feminist Movement Equal Pay Act of 1963 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (banned sex discrimination in employment) Griswold v. Connecticut (1965); legalized birth control of married couples 1967 Executive Order: made sex-segregated help wanted ads illegal and legalized no-fault divorces (not legalized in all states until 2010) Title X Family Planning Program (1970): The only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with family planning and preventative health services. Eisenstaedt v Baird (1972): legalized birth control for unmarried people Title IX of the Education Amendments (1972): illegalized sex discrimination in public schools and colleges Roe v Wade (1973): legalized abortion