Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQ’s) Fiona Welcome to training and cover housekeeping: Register Fire Alarm Toilets Smoking Mobile Phones Time Keeping Activity 1: In pairs discuss What do you want to get out of the training? What prevents you from using SDQ’s? Feedback to group. Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
Aims Raise awareness of the purpose of SDQ’s Increase understanding of uses of SDQ’s Identify benefits of using SDQ’s To consider how SDQ’s can be used to achieve better outcomes for the child/young person Explore the benefits of partner agencies using a single online SDQ’s Fiona Check if this is the participants expectations of the training? Is there anything else they would like to have a chance to discuss at the end? Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
The Background to SDQ’s 1. Evaluation of children’s emotional and behavioural development is a central component of professional assessment. 2. These questionnaires screen for child emotional and behavioural problems. These are triangulated through its use by the child, parents, family, teachers, other professionals and put a greater emphasis on strengths. Fiona Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
What are SDQ’s It is a brief behavioural screening questionnaire used for the age range of 4 – 16 years olds by a wide range of professionals to identify any areas of concerns in relation to children’s emotional and behavioural wellbeing. Through triangulation it will help identify the strengths and difficulties that are in the child’s life. These can be used as an effective tool for determining appropriate intervention, monitoring these and measuring changes leading to outcomes Fiona Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
What are its components? Fiona Activity – Flip chart of the five areas - What do these five areas mean? What are the benefits of SDQ’s? Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
Why use SDQ’s Benefits of use Shax Assessment tools Identify Issues early Relationship building tool Voice of the Child Informs practice Indicates the need for other agency involvement Gives the child’s and others perspective of their world Opens up discussions Useful for monitoring progression and further issues Unbiased evidence for inspection Shax Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
When to use SDQ’s As a starting point – assessment of current situation Monitoring – progress Review of changes, impact of various interventions To support interagency use. Shax Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
make effective use of the online SDQ’s Why Calderdale has developed an online system How to access it Who will have access - consent How often will they need to be repeated? Shax Used on line or paper version Access through registration. Administrators will be able to create accounts and send out links. Managers will be able to monitor from the report screen. Online will be able to pull through to CASS. Young people’s version will finish on YOYO Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
Interpreting the SDQ Scores The online system will produce downloadable reports Individual reports – self assessment, parent/carer, professionals A triangulated report. The triangulated report presents the results on a radar chart and the scores against the five component areas So how do we interpret these? Shax Reports on the table to use as part of the case study. Ask those that use the paper version to share what scores are telling them. Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
Case study Molly is 13 and is new to the area. Lives with her mum and 15 and 10 year old brothers. School have expressed concern about her ability to concentrate. She is considered to be shy and is possibly withdrawn. Tends to isolate herself and does not have friends at home or school. Mum has advised school that Molly has anger outbursts at home. This has included throwing things at family members. She is not happy about her appearance and says she is ugly. She has admitted to engaging in risky behaviour – stealing cigarettes as she thinks this will help her lose weight. A key worker at the school has been attempting to support Molly at school to make friends and develop interests. Gefen Activity: Using the reports on the table from the case study on your table work through some actions that may be needed. Conclude: to efficiently and effectively meet the needs professionals across services need to work together. Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council
To access the online system your organisation needs to be set up with: Administrator/Manager Account These see all the records for your agency Caseworker Account These only see their own case load These can be requested through emailing or Created by Shakkela Ajaib-Latif Calderdale Council