Care Navigator Training Care Navigator™ (CN™) is secure, HIPAA compliant, web-based software built on Microsoft Dynamics CRM that is being deployed for supporting effective care coordination to support the MassHealth Behavioral Health Initiative. The CN™ tool works to streamline communication among care team members, enrollees, and their support systems. Care Navigator Training Module 1 – Creating Users, Care Providers and Care Team Members
Module 1 Training Topics Setting Up Users/Roles Setting Up Organizations Care Providers Care Team Members
Module 1 Training Topics Setting Up Users/Roles Setting Up Organizations Care Providers Care Team Members
Setting Up Users/Roles To view new users to the Care Navigator platform: Click on “CN SETTINGS” Click on “USERS”
Setting Up Users/Roles To view new users to the Care Navigator platform: A list of active users is presented Double click on any user to view their information
Setting Up Users/Roles To add new users to the Care Navigator platform: Follow the steps to “Viewing Users” Click on “+NEW” to open the form to add a new user
Setting Up Users/Roles To add new users to the Care Navigator platform: First Name The user’s first name. Last Name The user’s last name. Username The Username will default to <First Name Initial><Last Name>. *The system will check for duplicate user names and prompt the user to change the Username to a unique username. Domain This will default to “cn” and is not editable. E-mail The email address of the user. An email must be defined for the user to receive an invitation to access Care Navigator and subsequent notifications. Title The title of the user, e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms. Security Role 1,2,3 A user can be associated to up to three security roles. At least one security role must be defined. This will define their level of access in Care Navigator™. The user will default to the least restrictive security role when there is a conflicting level of access between assigned security roles (i.e. the roles work such that a user does NOT have permission to something unless granted permission to it). See the “Security Roles” section for definitions of security roles. System User This is an in-built functionality of Care Navigator™ and is not editable. Business Unit Indicate the user’s business unit. The Business Unit limits the user’s ability to view only records within their business unit. Phone Numbers Main and Mobile Phone Numbers can be specified here. To save the information for the new user, click “SAVE” or “SAVE & CLOSE”. The default password is Carenav@123 for any user. It’s strongly encouraged to the change the password when the user logs in for the first time.
Setting Up Users/Roles To disable an existing user on the Care Navigator platform: Follow the steps to “Viewing Users” Select the user to be disabled by clicking once to the left of the user name which will put a checkmark on that row Click on “DEACTIVATE” NOTE: Once a user record is deactivated, no changes can be made to the account until it has been activated again. The user no longer has access to Care Navigator™.
Setting Up Users/Roles To activate a deactivated user on the Care Navigator platform: Follow the steps to “Viewing Users” Change the View from “Active Users” to “Inactive Users” by clicking on the down arrow next to “Active Users” Select the user you want to activate by clicking on the checkmark on the row Click “Activate”. The user should be able to access Care Navigator again
Module 1 Training Topics Setting Up Users/Roles Setting Up Organizations Care Providers Care Team Members
Setting Up Organizations Organizations can be affiliated with an enrollee or a care team member You can get to this list from the top ribbon of CARE NAVIGATOR When you click on “Organizations” you will see a list of active organizations in the system To enter a new organization, click on the “+NEW” in the upper left-hand side of the page to pull up the new form
Setting Up Organizations Enter the pertinent information specific to the organization When selecting an “Organization Type” the options are related to the Transitions of Care Referral options and include: Behavioral / Mental Health Treatment, Medical Care, Nutrition Services, Pharmacy Review, Social Services, Substance Abuse Treatment, Tobacco Cessation, Transportation, ACO, and MCO An organization may be assigned none, one or more of the Organization Type options A URL can be entered for an organization to allow the user to take them directly to the website specific to the organization (example: to an ACO login page) When you are finished entering the information, click “SAVE & CLOSE”
Module 1 Training Topics Setting Up Users/Roles Setting Up Organizations Care Providers Care Team Members
Care Providers New care team members associated with an enrollee or an organization can be created in multiple ways. A new care team member can be created for the general organization for assignment to one or more enrollees by choosing the “Care Providers” widget and first creating them as a Care Provider A new care team member can be created directly in the “Care Team” widget and assigning them a specific relationship to the enrollee
Using the Care Provider form to create care team members Care Providers Using the Care Provider form to create care team members A new care team member can be created for the general organization for assignment to one or more enrollees by choosing the “CARE PROVIDERS” form from the navigation bar under the CARE NAVIGATOR bar
Using the Care Provider form to create care team members Care Providers Using the Care Provider form to create care team members The care provider information can be entered (with some fields required) Certain providers may have an NPI number, and you can do a name search under “NPI search” to select the correct provider
Using the Care Provider form to create care team members Care Providers Using the Care Provider form to create care team members When the NPI search is used and a provider selected, the full name will populate under “NPI Full Name” The First Name, Last Name and Phone Number will also auto- populate Click “SAVE” or “SAVE & CLOSE” to create the new record
Module 1 Training Topics Setting Up Users/Roles Setting Up Organizations Care Providers Care Team Members
Using the Care Team widget to create care team members To add a new Care Team Member to an enrollee record: From the “ENROLLEE DETAILS” section or the “OUTREACH” section of the enrollee chart: Click on the “Care Team” submenu to expose the widget Click on the grid in the upper right-hand corner of the widget and fill in the appropriate information
Using the Care Team widget to create care team members If a PCP or Care Coordinator needs to be designated as the primary provider respectively to display in the appropriate fields in the enrollee chart, mark the “Is Primary” checkbox