FLIPPED Learning GCSE Food Preparation is an exciting and new GCSE FLIPPED Learning GCSE Food Preparation is an exciting and new GCSE. To be successful you will need to prepare for the lesson in advance at home or in the library. You might need to read some pages, watch videos or animations found in the digital book.
https://foodtechstant.wordpress.com/ FLIPPED in advance of your lessons Student Book Links – Read Food spoilage and contamination p176-190 – Video Bacterial growth and multiplication – Chapter 5: How do bacteria grow and multiply – page 173 Personal hygiene p198–201
Food safety: buying & storing food LO:- food safety principles when buying, storing, preparing and cooking food: To understand the food safety principles when buying and storing food To know and apply key temperatures To understand the different sources of bacterial contamination
Tasks Activity 6e: IN PAIRS A day in the life of a high-risk food ingredient. Activity 5J Which Bacteria and which food/liquid Activity : Log key temperatures on A thermometer Activity 5l : hygiene in the kitchen case study Activity 6a: where should food be stored and why Student Book Links - Read Food spoilage and contamination p176-190 In your exercise books Practice questions p192 Personal hygiene p198–201 Video Bacterial growth and multiplication - Chapter 5: How do bacteria grow and multiply – page 173
Activity 6e: IN PAIRS A day in the life of a high-risk food ingredient. (see next slide)
Customer serves the fish Customer takes the fish home Customer cooks the fish Fish weighed and prepared for customers Fish gutted on trawler Fish sold at market Customer buys the fish Fish prepared and set out on display Customer stores the fish Fish stored in ice box on trawler. Fish transported to market Fish caught on a trawler Fish transported from market to supermarket or fish shop Customer serves the fish
Activity 5J Which Bacteria and which food/liquid
Activity : in your exercise books copy the key temperatures on a thermometer – see page 174
Activity 5l : hygiene in the kitchen case study Activity 5l : hygiene in the kitchen case study. Record answers in exercise book
Copy and complete a table in your exercise book 13 rows x 3 columns (task continues on next slide)
https://foodtechstant.wordpress.com/ For Week 3 FLIPPED in advance of your lessons read pages 192-199 No practical week 3