What makes us move and why we move in that particular way…


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Presentation transcript:

What makes us move and why we move in that particular way… Motion and Forces What makes us move and why we move in that particular way…

What Is Motion? Motion: when an object changes position over time when compared with a reference point Object In Motion Reference Point

How Can We Describe Motion? 3 Ways To Categorize Motion 1. Position 2. Direction of Motion 3. Speed Which way did he go, which way did he go???

Follow The Directions!!!! The direction of the objects motion is dependent on the reference point If the reference point changes, the direction of the object can also be looked at differently

What Makes An Object Move? Force: a push or pull on an object Characteristics of Forces 1. Have size 2. Direction 3. Units = Newtons 40.0 Newtons

Forces Control The Motion of an Object If an object is in moving or even if it is sitting still, there are still forces acting upon it GRAVITY If the forces acting on the object are balanced, or equal to one another but in opposite directions…then the object doesn’t move. If one of the forces is larger, it will move the object in the direction of that force NORMAL FORCE

All Forces Control The Motion of the Object We can use something called a Force Diagram In Which Direction Will The Object Move? 40.0 N 25.0 N 15.0 N Right

Net Force Easy Calculation 2 Scenarios If the forces are moving in the same direction, add them together 2. If the forces are moving in the opposite direction, subtract them, leaving the object to move in the direction of the greater force

Example 30.0 N 15.0 N 45.0 N Left

Newton’s Laws An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force 2. Force = mass x acceleration 3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

One Force Calculation Example 5.0 m/s2 500.0 kg Force = mass x acceleration Force = 500.0 kg x 5.0 m/s2 Force = 2500.0 N to the left