29th CEOS Plenary Priorities Committee on Earth Observation Satellites 29th CEOS Plenary Priorities JAXA SIT Workshop Agenda 3 CEOS Chair CEOS SIT Technical Workshop EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany 17th – 18th September 2015
Guidance for Plenary priorities The Plenary agenda structure mirrors those of recent years and reflects the structure and objectives of the CEOS Work Plan. We have the following topics: Outreach to Key Stakeholders (readiness for GEO Plenary & ministerial and for COP21 of UNFCCC in Paris) Organisational issues (membership applications of 5 new agencies) The 2015 Chair Priorities (Data Applications Report; Disasters and the WCDRR follow up; Blue Planet follow up) Progress for our VCs and Working Groups Support to our key stakeholder initiatives including GFOI, GEOGLAM, Carbon & Water
Area Expected Outcomes 2015’s Chair Priorities Outcome of the 2015 Chair Priorities l Data Application Report (DAR) and its promotion at the Tokyo Symposium l Results of the 3rd WCDRR in Sendai and its follow up. New initiative on DRR l Results of GEO Blue planet Symposium and follow up. Identification of 2016 CEOS Chair priorities Advancement of the CEOS Virtual Constellations and Working Groups Resolution of identified issues on Working Groups and Virtual Constellations.
Area Expected Outcomes Support to other Key Stakeholder Initiatives GFOI:Endorsement of the SDCG 3-Year Work Plan GEOGLAM:Endorsement of the updated CEOS Acquisition Strategy for GEOGLAM Carbon:Progress report Water:Completion of CEOS engagements to the GEOSS strategy document.