Europe in the Middle Ages
Organization: Social/Political/Economic Manorialism Feudalism When Early Middle Ages Rose around the 9th century Type of System Economic System Political System / Military Arrangement Who is involved? Landlords & Serfs Serfs: Peasant Agricultural Laborers Kings & Vassals Vassals: Members of the military elite What is being exchanged? Reciprocal obligations that exchanged labor or rents for access to land Vassals received land or a benefice from a feudal lord/King in return for military service and loyalty Manorialism describes the arrangement of the rural economy into mostly-self sufficient agrarian communities called manors. Feudalism worked as a contract. It was centered on a personal relationship between the lord and his vassal, with a ceremony and a sworn oath by each party to fulfill their side of the bargain. *This only describes Feudalism in the Middle Ages in Europe. Russia and Japan will later use Feudalism and it will look a combo of these two systems.
Economic Roots of Capitalism Commerce expands Money replaces barter Mediterranean zone joined with North Sea, Baltic Money replaces barter Banking, insurance merge Hanseatic Leage Northern Germany, southern Scandinavia More anti-Semitism
Economic Hanseatic League League of merchant associations Cities of Northern Germany and the Baltic
Economic Merchants relatively free Guilds - the first union-ish But relatively low status Guilds - the first union-ish Craft associations Protect markets Ensure standards Social role/voice in local government Surprise, Surprise - We're still not as advanced as Asia
Interactions between Humans & their Environment AGRICULTURALLY BASED SOCIETY Moldboard - a curved iron plate Three-field System - a third of the land was left unplanted
Interactions between Humans and their Environment Viking Ships Cogs Dhows Junks Location Scandinavia Europe Arab World China General Thoughts Limited Cargo Steady trade but not the luxury goods of the Silk Roads Used to describe boats of different sizes/purposes Sails A single square sail Lateen Sails Double Masted Fully Battened Sails Design Strong, Sleek, Seaworthy Relatively Flat Bottoms High Sides Slender Hull Have gunpowder-propelled rockets