Unit 4 Test Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Test Review

Name the 5 precedents set by George Washington Two Term Limit Neutrality in Foreign Affairs Establishing a Cabinet Executive Privilege Upholding the Laws

What caused the Whiskey Rebellion? A tax passed by the government on whiskey in order to raise money to pay back some of the debt of the American Revolution

What is the main difference between the Federalists and Democratic Republicans? Federalists favor a strong central government Democratic Republicans favor strong state government

What were Washington’s warnings when he left office? Stay neutral in foreign affairs Stay away from political parties Warn against a powerful military Maintain national unity

What part of the Constitution justified the creation of a National Bank? Elastic/Necessary & Proper clause

What is the difference between a strict and loose interpretation of the Constitution? Strict- only the powers listed in the Constitution belong to the federal government (expressed powers) Loose- Government needs some to have some powers not listed in the Constitution to do what is best for the people (elastic clause/implied powers)

What was the XYZ Affair? The French were attacked American ships. Adams sent men to negotiate with the French government. French demanded a loan and a payment of $250,000

What were the Alien & Sedition Acts? Which party supported them? Alien Acts- Laws passed by Congress targeting immigrants who were not yet citizens. Acts like raising the Naturalization timeline from 5 to 14 years. Also, being able to kick out immigrants who were not loyal to the US during wartime Sedition Act- Unable to print or say anything bad about the President or Congress Supported by Federalists & John Adams Opposed by the Democratic Republicans

Why did the Democratic Republicans oppose the Sedition Act? Violated the 1st Amendment

What is nullification and when did it become a state right? When the states disagree with a federal law, it it can be declared null & void After Alien & Sedition Acts

What power was granted to the Supreme Court after the Marbury v Madison case? What is that power? Judicial Review- Power to declare any acts of Congress or Executive unconstitutional

What was the 12th Amendment? 12th Amendment changed the election of President & Vice President. Now, President & Vice President would run for election on separate ballots

How was the election of 1800 different from previous elections How was the election of 1800 different from previous elections? (List 2 ways) Transfer of power from one political party to another House of Representatives had to break a tie President was not re-elected to a 2nd term

Name the 3 paradoxes of Jefferson’s Presidency. Agrarianism vs. Manufacturing Freedom vs slavery Small central government vs. Louisiana Purchase

What is the Embargo Act of 1807? How did it effect the US? Embargo Act- No trade with Europe Hurt American businesses Caused Americans to start manufacturing their own goods

Name 3 achievements of Jefferson’s presidency Cut the size of the army & navy Reduced military spending Reduced the national debt Cut all internal taxes for US citizens Allowed the Alien & Sedition Acts to expire

Name 3 reasons Jefferson was afraid of France controlling Louisiana. Closing of the port of New Orleans No more expansion West for US French Alliance with Native Americans

How did the Louisiana Purchase impact the U.S.? Doubled the size of the country Gave us control of the Mississippi

Why did some strict constructionists oppose the purchase of Louisiana? Purchasing of land was not a power listed in the Constitution

What goals did Lewis & Clark have? Explore & map Louisiana Find a water route to the Pacific Make friends with Natives Kick out French and British

How did Sacagawea help the Corps of Discovery? Eased tensions with Native American groups by traveling with the Corps of Discovery. Her presence let Native Americans known the C.o.D did not want war

Name the 3 causes of the war of 1812. Impressment Embargo Act of 1807 America wanted Canada

What is impressment? Taking of sailors off of ships and forcing them to serve in the navy

What was the name of the group that wanted the U. S What was the name of the group that wanted the U.S. to go to war with Britain in 1812? War Hawks

What treaty ended the War of 1812? Treaty of Ghent