By: Kelsy Edwards Heartworm Disease By: Kelsy Edwards
What is Heartworm Disease? Heartworm disease is a serious disease that results in lung, heart and other organ failure. Heartworm disease is spread through ONE bite of a mosquito on a dog that is not on heartworm preventive.
Heartworm Disease Facts Heartworms that live in the lungs or blood vessels can grow more than 12 inches long Heartworm parasites live between 5-7 years in a dog The parasites are transmitted from one dog to another by the bite of an infected mosquito Heartworms live in the right side of the heart Significant damage is done before pets show signs or symptoms Heartworm disease is detected by a small blood sample taken at your Vets Office
Lifecycle of a Heartworm Female mosquito takes blood from infected host Mosquito feeds on a dog The larvae then molts under the skin of the new host (your dog) Over 50-70 days the larvae migrate into juvenile adults They move into the blood vessels and turn into sexually active adults The adult heartworm then breeds and releases immature heartworms in to the blood steam in 6-9 months after infection by mosquito
Pesky Mosquitos It only takes ONE infected mosquito bite to transmit heartworms Over 70 species of mosquitos can transmit the disease Indoor pets can be bitten as well Carry human diseases like Malaria and Zika Earliest case of Heartworm Disease was in South America in 1847 This is NOT new and they are NOT leaving!
Top 3 Heartworm Positive States #1 Louisiana #2 Mississippi #3 ARKANSAS
What Do We Do? Fortunately, this disease is ENTIRELY preventable through the use of monthly heartworm prevention. Yearly testing is recommended to ensure your pet is heartworm free. Prevention is almost 100% effective when used properly. Prevention can be purchased from your Veterinarian.
Heartworm Preventative Available/Administered by Licensed Veterinarians ONLY Topically Orally Injectable Advantage Multi (topical) Heartgard (oral) Trifexis (oral) Proheart (Injection) Heartworm prevention must be given YEAR ROUND
Heartworm Disease Prevention Treatment Easy Pain free Affordable Much easier to prevent heartworms from infecting your dog than it is to treat your infected dog Prolonged Expensive Painful 15 times more costly than 1 year of heartworm preventative
Heartworm Disease Treatment After treatment Immiticide is injected next to the spine Takes several months to kill the heartworms Strict confinement and bed rest Pets are not immune and still require year round prevention Damage has still been done the to the heart and lungs May need to continue supportive therapy and therapeutic diets
Heartworms I dissected from a deceased heartworm positive dog
April is Heartworm Disease Prevention Month. Our Pets, Our Family Spread the word… NOT heartworms