Monday 5th March ‘WELCOME’ Y8 Pathways Evening Monday 5th March ‘WELCOME’
A time of change… A three year Keystage 4 More challenging examination content Staying in education or training until age 18 New Assessment criteria (in all subjects by summer 2020)
Targets for End of Y11 Targets for Y11 2021?? National Average 2017 Progress 8 -0.03 Attainment 8 44 (Avg grade 4) Percentage achieving grade 5+ in maths and English 40% English Baccalaureate 19%
Memorable experiences… rich An outstanding curriculum :- Memorable experiences… rich opportunities for high quality learning… may be at the forefront of successful, innovative curriculum design…customised to changing needs of individuals and groups… highly tailored programmes… highly coherent and relevant… promoting outstanding outcomes A curriculum that will prepare our students to meet the demands of life post 18
English Baccalaureate Any student who secures good GCSE passes in English, mathematics, the sciences, a modern or ancient foreign language and a humanity such as history or geography. This combination of GCSEs at grades 4 or 5 will entitle the student to claim they have achieved this suite of qualifications At the moment only around 19% of students secure this basic suite of academic qualifications (in 2017, 19% of Swinton Academy students achieved the EBacc) Benefits of English Baccalaureate Government expectations for students Qualification employers, university and post 16 courses are seeking. An added advantage for our students in a competitive ‘ world of work’ Evidence of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Pathway 1
Pathway 2
Qualifications ‘broad and balanced’ There are some subjects that you have to study; these are compulsory subjects: English Language and Literature Mathematics Science (Triple or Trilogy). Your teachers will guide decisions about who will do triple and who will do Trilogy science PE/Sport Religious Studies Geography or History For some students, a Modern Foreign Language will also be compulsory.
The greater the attendance the greater the achievement. The Evidence is clear Y8 Research suggests that 17 missed school days a year = GCSE grade DROP in achievement The greater the attendance the greater the achievement.
Punctuality Every Minute Counts Lateness = Lost Learning *(Figures below are calculated over a school year) 5 minutes late each day 3 days lost! 10 minutes late each day 6.5 days lost! 15 minutes late each day 10 days lost! 20 minutes late each day 13 days lost! 30 minutes late each day 19 days lost!
What next? Discuss February monitoring data - what are strengths and areas for development? Discuss pathways sheet. (Interviews 6th – 9th March) Begin to think about your future interests and career choices Return forms via reception by Friday 23rd March 2018 - at the very latest
Important contacts: Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Vice Principal Y8 Year Leader Y8 Year Manager Y8